My Nephew...

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by alschwahn, Jul 25, 2017.

  1. alschwahn

    alschwahn Registered Users

    Jun 26, 2017
    Hi guys, here is a post about my nephew who is a 9 month old red lab. He is a sweet boy, very energetic, but I think he is going through his teenage stage. He has gotten into the habit of peeing inside even when he has the opportunity to go outside. The other day we were all outside and he came back in and peed for about a 12 foot long streak in the dining room...he is neutered but still gets VERY excited around female dogs. He ended up breaking his leash when my father-in-law took him for a walk and there was a female dog nearby.

    He also eats SO quickly. I think it took him about 25 seconds to finish his dinner and while everyone thinks it is funny, I think it is concerning because he pukes at least once a day after eating, especially if he drinks water. My sister-in-law gets upset if anyone comments on Clifford's eating because she is his dog and she knows him best. Everyone is frustrated with him and I have tried explaining the different stages that he is going through but no one listens to me because Aspen is my first lab while their family has owned labs for over 10 years. It irks me, because I'm not trying to tell them I know better, I am just trying to help out with what I have learned from the Labrador Forum.

    Clifford and Aspen will also play together when they see each other on the weekends, but I worry because Clifford is still a pup himself and doesn't really know when to stop. Aspen is even more of a pup being 6 months younger than Clifford, and everyone tells me my dog is the bad one who instigates, or when I go to pick up Aspen because the play has been too much, they tell me that Aspen is fine and would yelp if he was really hurt. I don't want the play to escalate to Aspen being really hurt!

    Sorry, This has turned into a bit of a rant, but I just needed somewhere to vent. Who knew puppies could be so much like children :D
  2. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi - not much advice to give but I know how you feel - my sister has always had her own dogs (we had dogs as children - due to work once I moved out of home and started my own life I had to wait for 30 years before getting my own dog) and unfortunately is a Cesar Milan fan. She looks down on how we train Bailey and is forever telling me to get him neutered as it will "stop his fixation on other dogs" amongst other things. I disagree and am working hard on getting Bailey's attention onto me around other dogs - progress is slow but I am determined to do it my way. Last time my sister looked after Bailey over night for me Bailey went around peeing on their walls - despite being there with me hundreds of other times when he has never done it - apparently according to my sister that is because he is complete. Maybe so but he never does it at home.

    My sister is seen as the family expert on dogs and training them - I have said to her please train your dog your way and I will train my dog my way. To date (there are 10 weeks between them with my boy being the younger one) I have a friendly, confident, sometimes strong willed and not listening dog, who is actually quite settled and happy and she has a nervous dog who is scared of new people, particularly men (unless he is with Bailey), who starts at any loud noise. Both dogs are very loving and both love cuddles and playtime.

    They play together like maniacs and that is the one thing my sister and I agree on, we never let them play too much - we enforce rest and when Bailey was smaller and there was a big difference in size, one or the other of us would pick him up and pop him in his crate and then put Riley into another room so both would sleep - these days we settle them at other ends of the room - their ages are Bailey is 17 months old and Riley is just over 2 years old.

    Sorry this is turning out to be longer than I intended - however, please do what you feel is right for you and your pup. If others don't agree fine that is up to them. Your priority is your pup. As a note Bailey so far "playing" has strained a leg muscle (completely healed) and has had a scratch on his nose which bled everywhere - at no time did he yelp! The he has only once yelped and that was when I trod on his little paw (he was about 16 weeks old at the time) and that is the only time I have heard him yelp!
    alschwahn likes this.

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