It breaks my heart. Has anyone had this experience? How did your dog adjust? How did you deal with it? (It is hard on me).
My sympathies... It’s definitely a challenge for everyone when a cone becomes necessary. Quite a few people will have been in your shoes. Our dog Obi had to wear a cone for a couple of weeks due to a foot injury. They do adapt but it isn’t fun. What is the reason why your pup has to wear a cone? How does s/he seem to be coping with it?
It’s often much harder for us humans Has she hurt herself or something else? Why is she needing to wear the cone? Hope the two weeks goes by quickly!
When our previous lovely girl had to wear a cone after cruciate ligament surgery we only put it on her if there was going to be no-one around to stop her licking and nibbling at her stitches. This worked well, but I still found it very upsetting. My thoughts are with her and you. Please keep us posted on how she's doing.
I understand totally. My 18 month old had to wear a cone for a week recently, two weeks at night as she kept licking the bald patch (where they put the IV in) on her leg from her spay operation causing infection. Initially she just totally shut down and it was deeply upsetting. By the end she was coming to me and sitting whilst I put it on!! She did get used to it but it took several days. She learnt how to drink water from her bowl with it on but to start with, I had to think about all those kind of things. At the time, I thought how horrible it all was but now I think well at least if she should ever need to wear a cone again, I know she will adapt.
Depending on where the bit is, one of the blow up collars might be better but if your dog is unsupervised got to be the cone, they are amazingly resourceful at getting to annoying bits. I remember the last time Lilly had a cone she was awful. Or maybe IT was awful. She hit it on the ground, on lamp posts, bus shelters, walls. If was more gaffer tape than plastic, it was really brittle. Just on my phone so can' do a link, but I think it' the "comfy cone" that looks better and is more....comfy, for the dogs. Poor girl. Speedy recovery. Here’s a link. The Buster one is the type I’ve used. Although it’s difficult for us, she’ll adapt. It’s crucial that she doesn’t lick her leg. One of mine cut her hind leg badly a while ago and it took six weeks to heal, as it was on the bendy part of her leg. She eventually had to wear a cone and a buster collar together so she couldn’t lick it! I hope her leg heals quickly.
Jacob who is now 5 months has had 3 operations, for entropion and has been in a cone for 3 to 4 weeks. Not continuously but for a week plus after every op.The cone had minmal impact on hishbehaviour. He came home from first op and proceeded to play with Boris in the garden for about an hour, and they continued to play when ever the cone was on. The cone did affect other dogs when out walking, some where frightened by it. On young retreiver wanted to run home.