My Rebel

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by Rebelsmom, Jan 20, 2017.


Will there ever be another Rebel?

  1. Yes... a new bond, a new pup

  2. No..... no replacing My Rebel

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  1. Rebelsmom

    Rebelsmom Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2017
    Please bear with me, not sure I'm doing this correct. Anyways my biggest fear are dogs. It don't matter size, breed or anything. But as a mom I believe children should grow up with dogs. So we have a mix lab. Her mom was choc dad unknown. Any how she had 1 litter of puppies. My ex took the choc lab looking like 1. Somehow he became mine. He went every where with me, he sleep with me or kids, when I come home u woukd take he missed me, he loved on me more than kids. If I was gone for days he would walk around sad. Christmas eve morning he was found dead.. I'm absolutely heart broke. So my question Should I get another lab puppy, is it to soon? Will I be dishonoring my Rebel. Yes I know I sound silly but he honestly was my best friend?!​
  2. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    Hi, I'm so sorry your sadness brings you to the forum. Rebel sounds like a wonderful dog, you must miss him terribly. What happened to Rebel, you say he was found dead?

    As far as getting another puppy, you will not be dishonouring Rebel at all, you must do what feels right in your heart and for your family. I know people that have never replaced a dog that passed away yet I know more people that have got another puppy within a week of their dog dying because they couldn't live without a dog in their lives. So it really is a personal thing.

    Rebel was your best friend so do you think you have room in your heart for another best friend? Helen xx
  3. Yvonne

    Yvonne Registered Users

    Mar 9, 2014
    Cape Cod, Massachusetts, USA
    You will never replace Rebel BUT yes, you must get another pup. You will always remember Rebel in your heart. But you must move on and I know there is another puppy waiting for your love and kindness. Go for it!
  4. 20180815

    20180815 Guest

    I know this feeling very well, it happened to me this past January. You don't sound silly at all, it's a natural feeling. You'll know when the time is right for you, there is no "too soon", it's whenever is best for you. You won't be dishonouring Rebel, he would want you to be happy!
  5. 20180815

    20180815 Guest

    By the way, both of your voting options are correct in my opinion! No there will never be another Rebel, each dog is unique, but yes you can definitely form a new bond with another dog.
  6. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    Only you will know when the time is right to get another dog. Rebel will NEVER be replaced, he will remain in your heart for ever. When we lost Scooby, our wonderful old rescue Lab of only 10 months, we were devastated. BUT we had discovered we were meant to be a 2 dog-house ( we had a lovely mongrel Belle ). I don't want to sound uncaring, but we went up to the MSPCA to enquire about a rescue 6 days later. We adopted Coco. Belle passed away 10 moths later, we are aching for another dog to join our home, but are waiting for Coco to be at the right level of training - he is a challenging but amazing dog. Our dogs are never replaced. When the heartache diminishes & we can talk about our old friends it is like they are still there, with our new friends. Sorry if this is waffle, I've had a glass of wine.
  7. Beckyt6

    Beckyt6 Registered Users

    Nov 29, 2015
    My grandparents have had five labradors over the years (i hold them entirely responsible for me and my OH currently trying to raise a lab puppy :) ) and have never forgotten any of them. They are in the 80s and often forget what day of the week it is but if you ask them about any of their dogs they could answer any question and speak so fondly of them all.

    They adopted Flo (labrador number 6) a few months after they lost Joe as they couldnt bare to be without a lab but felt they could no longer raise a puppy.

    I dont think anyone can tell you when is the right but I dont think its disloyal to open your heart to a new dog. Every dog is different and special and their own way, i m not sure we can forget them even if we wanted to!
  8. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Rebel was obviously a very special dog and you will always remember him. You wouldn't be dishonouring him by getting another lab, in fact it shows how important Rebel was to you that you loved him so much even though you have a fear of dogs. Another dog would only continue what Rebel had started: a place for dogs in your family. Only you can decide when the time is right, though, and which is the right dog for your family.

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