Re: My Training - tell us yours! That's just fantastic news - what a star she is! Bet you are chuffed to bits!
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Oh my goodness you are all on training fire!Well done! I know you work away quietly with Sam Kate so it's lovely to hear how much you both enjoy it and how beneficial it is to him....and it's amazing how you handle a working lab alongside Little Miss Millie ( David is going to start calling her LMM any time now I'm sure ;D)2 such different dogs but under control,happy and enjoying their seperate training challenges together,well done Kate x It sounds like Harely had a lovely visit with some new young pals ..... So 'Pups for Pops' think that's a campaign we can all get behind ;D I'd wear a tshirt ;D ;D ;D Joking aside,big,big step and I know will be so carefully considered Karen....but I can't help,saying ,Wheeeeeeeeeeeee,exciting,exciting,exciting!!!!xxx
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Thanks very much everyone! Interestingly, after being so chilled on Sunday, yesterday evening as we came back into our garden in the dark I was startled by what I thought was a figure in the trees. I said 'What's that??? ' in a slightly startled voice, and Pops barked and growled like crazy!
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Obviously she can be calm and friendly when required but protect you to the death should the need arise. Just caught up with how well you got on Karen. A brilliant result for poppy not that I ever doubted it. ;D
Re: My Training - tell us yours! [quote author=Karen link=topic=8301.msg118757#msg118757 date=1413906577] 'What's that??? [/quote] What was it?
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Great to hear how well Poppy did, Karen, you have every right to be pleased. Pups for Pops, indeed!!
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Had a good session today - we were doing placeboards (on a rugby pitch, safe from other dogs for once). I got my left and rights two line solid lines apart (which I've just looked up was one on the 22m line, and one on the half way line) - not exactly what that adds up to, but I think 11m in each direction. And I got my back working well from the touch line to half way to the middle - so that's about 15m I reckon. Quite pleased with that. I only have 2 place boards, so I haven't tried having 3 out at the same time though... At the end, we did 3 memory retrieves with a rabbit skin ball - and I was thrilled at his straight lines both out and back and delivery to hand. I ran him down the touch line, so I could see he stayed perfectly straight over 100m (the length of the pitch) but he did a sort of loop when he picked up the ball, but came back onto the line to run towards me. Not sure whether that's ok - well, it will be for a pet, I guess. Not like it's going to matter all that much. He is so much better on memories than seens - its like the walk away calms him down, and he is able to better focus on what he is supposed to be doing. Clicker gundog course next week, so hoping it all doesn't fall apart in a new place, and we can build on this to move onto other things.
Re: My Training - tell us yours! [quote author=Karen link=topic=8301.msg118799#msg118799 date=1413915224] Nothing - just a branch moving in the wind! [/quote] Phew! Julie my goodness,you are cracking on ,have you tackled everything you wanted before the course next week?x
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Wow Julie that is sounding really impressive, especially considering how long Charlie was out of action!
Re: My Training - tell us yours! The last month has been great - mainly, I think, because I stopped walking him and did training sessions instead. Lots of fun too, and he still got to meet other dogs but we stopped spending our time "walking". We trained and played - together. So I have focus - or more focus, anyway. I've had to prioritise, Angela, so I haven't done everything. Most things though. The big push has been bringing back the dummy. I honestly felt that if I couldn't crack it, we'd find another form of training. I think I have cracked it though - no exaggeration, it's taken upwards of 50 hours just in the last month, and I still choose very carefully the circumstances in which he retrieves so I'm confident he'll bring things back.
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Well done Julie and Charlie. Fantastic training session. ;D Can I ask are you increasing the distance between Charlie and the place boards or between you and Charlie or both ?
Re: My Training - tell us yours! i generally send Charlie from a sit in front, so I move the placebords further away (I'm clicker training and have my treats and clicker behind me - on a picnic bench right now - and pick them up after the cue, because the treats and clicker interfere with my cues). I can send him from one place board to another (left and right) so have some distance in but I'll have to develop things further.
Re: My Training - tell us yours! Thanks Julie. I was asking because I was wondering whether I should increase the distance S&S have to go for the retrieve with the back cast cue or increase the distance between them and me when I give the cue. ???