I am going to take notes on how we are doing but I thought why not take the opportunity and post in a forum. This way I can put a wee bit of pressure on myself to keep at it. So this is the start of Cupars training. Cupar is now just over five months and so far we have been learning manners. Cupar knows what sit is. Sit is Cupars default position. I am happy with that. I haven't been doing proper training yet, he is only a puppy and I feel that I should remember that. I am not going to be doing any agility, flyball or anything gundoggy. That would mean I would need to run and do excercisey things. I walk , a lot and I clean houses for a living , so running about a field trying to get a dog to jump over poles is a no no. My aim for Cupar is to have a well mannered dog. At the moment Cupar is a well behaved dog in the home. He's toilet trained. He sleeps from 9pm to 6:30am in a crate. He is learning to wait at doors, that's a difficult one as there is three adults living in the house, so doors open by magic and he is through them. So our first target at home is to have Cupar be polite at all doors and gates. Outside he's tried a couple of times to jump up at the fence at the cows. Situation has not been allowed to happen again as I have had him on the lead, but I must get that sorted. Although I think I will need to wait until the sheep are in the field as milkers are not out as much now. I hope no one minds me writing this and as much but it will hopefully keep me motivated now that the winter weather is upon us and it is so much darkier earlier now.
Re: My training with Cupar I love these training/progress posts, sounds like he is coming along nicely, keep us up-to-date please!
Re: My training with Cupar https://www.dropbox.com/s/o32pcr3ntfn9v8h/P1010950.JPG?dl=0 This is a recent photo of the love of my life.
Re: My training with Cupar Cupar is adorable, and the same age as my Barney and Jack, the loves of my life It is easy to forget that they are still puppies when they get bigger, i'm forever giving myself a hard time that i haven't taught them enough, but they can sit on command, and they sit very nicely, they will wait at the dog-gate into the living room if we say wait when we open it, (this is something we NEVER got our other lab to do, he just barged through if he wanted to go in, even at 11!) They sometimes also wait at the kitchen door while our Tesco home shopping is delivered, but sometimes it's just too exciting, all that food and a new person who thinks they're too cute! Their recall is great so far, but i do worry about the day they decide it's more fun to explore together than to come to Mum.... And today we have mastered 'down' from sit. We have just booked training classes which start in two weeks and i am really excited, though i'll probably tear my hair out lol. Good luck with Cupar, and keep us posted, I will be interested to see how you get on and if you have any tips for me and my two boys. Lou x
Re: My training with Cupar Great idea to post your experiences in a thread Sounds like you are making really good progress.
Re: My training with Cupar [quote author=Cupcase link=topic=8365.msg118281#msg118281 date=1413741509] I haven't been doing proper training yet, he is only a puppy and I feel that I should remember that. [/quote] So long as you are training with positive reinforcement only, you do not need to worry about Cupar being 5 months. Of course, don't over do it and keep training sessions short. But in another month or so, he'll be a teenager. I did a fair bit when Charlie was very young - he started his gundog lessons at 5 months and already had some of the basics, like stop, in place. With my next pup, I'll do a lot when he is very young to get foundation behaviours in place - to take advantage of the period when I am still the most exciting thing ever!
Re: My training with Cupar It sounds like Cupar is doing really well. Well done you! Milo is a little older at just over six months. My aim is pretty much like yours - to have a well mannered, family pet. I don't work now so have more time to spend with him and we hope to take him away with us for weekends etc so want him to be well mannered. He's doing well and can now sit, stand, lie down and we have taught him to sit at kerbs and wait. He's not too bad on a loose lead, will walk nicely with no distractions some of the time. I know it takes a lot of time and patience to get this right all the time but am persevering. Recently we have just invested in a Walk your dog with love front fastening harness to use when we are likely to meet lots of people to prevent damage to his neck if he tries to rush towards them. He is getting much better at "leaving" people and items though! We didn't have this problem with our previous dog, my gorgeous boy Sweep (blue roan cocker) as he was more a people person than a dog person so just ignored other dogs, whereas Milo wants to be everyones best pal! Having been annoyed by dogs rushing up to Sweep in the past I am keen that Milo doesn't turn into one of those dogs! In the house he is very calm, loves his kongs and sleeps happily in his puppy pen. He's a wonderful companion. Sue & Milo
Re: My training with Cupar Julie I hated the old style of training dogs. I missed out on so much with my first dog because of the rubbish about dominance. I have long since become much more laid back in regards to how I want my dog to behave. So positive reinforcement all the way. I watched a video recently about a trainer who was playing with her eight week old pup, but in reality it was teaching the dog how she wanted it to behave. I was in awe. Unfortunatly I can't do that now but five months is a baby in comparison to some of the dogs I have had to train. Oh and you can defenintly teach an old dog new tricks. Most of you are putting me to shame, your dogs are so much further on than Cupar. Todays training has been concentrated around all doors and gates. I am not verbally asking for a sit but waitin until Cupar sits then turning the handle of the door. When he waits the door gets opened , any movement door closes. I have decided to use the word ok for him to go through the door. I have four grandchildren and two of them stay here every weekend, the youngest is nearly three and they like to help with both dogs training. I believe if you get children to help with the training it teaches them how to behave around dogs. So I am trying to simplify the words and I don`t know if I am doing it right, but I can use ok as a release word when out and about and all children can remember it. Cupar has done really well today, he really is a clever wee cooky. Cassie has had a refresher course in doors today as well. Any doors closed and both dogs need to go through means training two dogs at once. Fortunately Cassie is nice and patient waiting on Cupar getting it right. Sue how did you manage the down, I am doing this wrong . I can`t seem to get that. You seem to be so in front with Milos training. No lead training today all off lead in the field at the back of our house.
Re: My training with Cupar Tuesday 21st. Cupar had lots of opportunities to sit and wait at doors today, this is going to be one step forward two step back, I am trying to get other members of the household prevent him coming through the doors, but I am not having much joy with that. i shall keep at it and I am trying to keep doors open in between training. My OH and I walked both dogs yesterday evening in the dark. I wanted to see how Cupar would behave in the dark. He is not phased in the least, so I cheated and walked him off lead while my OH got dragged around by Cassie. We met a 14 week old fox red lab Cassie barked for most of the time we talked to his owner, Cupar and the pup just played. Our training session inside consisted of down. He actually lay down, he doesn't know the word yet but I'm a bit more confident that will come. I must keep at it. A lot of sits were in this training session, in fact sit is in them all, I want sit to be a default . I will try down as a default if I can manage to taech it. Wednesday 22cd Today's training was more down, he is picking it up really well. We also played with a squeaky ball. As in I threw it and Cupar fetched it. This is rare because Cupar has only been interested in chewing the ball he wasn't interested in playing fetch. As someone who has access to fields where I can let the dogs of the lead, I find it useful to play with them and use up excess energy without having to walk for miles. It is particularly useful for when the grandchildren are here , as it is something we can all do together. So a dog that likes retrieving is a must. There has been no lead training for a couple of days, but own his own he is fine. Today I was running late and decided to take both Cupar and Cassie , what a nightmare. My back is now sore as both dogs thought we were competing in the scottish sled dog championship. I swear we should have won. My problem is Cassie. Oh I know , I've heard all and read all the advice regarding pulling. When we got Cassie she was ten times worse, I know that there must be something I am doing wrong, when we went to training classes she would magically walk nicely. Go for a walk and she could pull your shoulder out. So both dogs together is a no no. That can't continue, I don't have the time never mind the inclination , to be walking two adult dogs separately. I shall try harder with Cupar. Cassie is Cassie and I have had two years of training Cassie and one year of managing Cassie. I decided last year for my sanity that she is what she is. Cupar for the rest of this week I shall concentrate on down and lead walking.
Re: My training with Cupar Cupar and I have been doing training this week. I have decided to use my onenote app for keeping a digital record of his training as well as writing how we're doing in a notebook. I had started typing stuff and I have no idea what happened but it disappeared. It takes me ages to type, so I will stick first and foremost to real paper.
Re: My training with Cupar I'm the opposite; I type much faster than I write so keeping my training log on the computer is a lot easier for me! It's interesting to read people's logs and get a feel of what they're working on and how they're approaching it, so I hope you still manage to post up occasionally how you're getting on with Cupar
Re: My training with Cupar I don't write well either. The thing with typing is I am one finger and maybe a thum. I also have no idea what most of the icons are for. Ask me to speak and I am really fast, never shut up. i prefer to read about everyone else. If we have any major breakthrough I will post. I am afraid to speak too soon as I know through experience that Cupar is coming up to that independent stage. I only hope that he is one of those "biddable " labradors. Then again two biddable labradors in one lifetime is a big ask.
Re: My training with Cupar I can't believe how the time is flying past. My baby boy is 9 months old tomorrow. 9 months, crikey. I have been reading everyones progress, a lot of which is putting me to shame. I really have to get into a routine. We have been practicing our recall, lots of recall. I am so paranoid about Cupar coming back as most of the rescues I have had all had terrible recall. So far he's doing well, I need to work on keeping him closer. We work on the sit and wait at doors all the time, unfortunately my OH and my son and his children don't. Hopefully I shall tackle it full on when my son moves out in a months time. Yey. He knows the release word but my problem is my movements. I need to remember to stand still. I forget that my dogs watch my body all the time. I haven't clicker trained Cupar , I had intended to but he is and I am not blowing about this, really clever. He picks up things really quickly. As long as I don't mess it up and speak or move. Yesterday was a disaster. I have started again, the dreaded lead training. So we walk to nowhere. Cassie had to go to the vets and I misjudged the time and took Cupar out when the school came out. Oh heck children and dogs and adults. A recipe for disaster. He pulled a lot. Of course people stop to speak. Cupar jumps up, I pull him back and they come towards him, I ask for them to ignore him, instead he's asked by a stranger to sit, sit,sit, sit, you get the idea. He sits, they come forward he jumps up , repeat. I try to move off but have one excited dog that wants to see the nice lady and the children. When we get away I'm feeling so disheartened as I know I need to get other people involved in Cupars training. This is something that needs the cooperation of outsiders. At home we don't have these issues, it gets practiced at home, but getting people to understand four simple words , I'm finding difficult, ( please ignore the dog). Today I decided to give myself a break from that awful lead training. ( am I allowed to say how much I detest walking my dogs on leads) we took a trip in the car. It was supposed to be lead free but another old dog was in our path so leads it was. Old dog with limp, so I being a responsible dog owner keep both of my dogs away from frail golden retriever,Ha! It had pinned poor Cupar to the ground before I could smile at dogs owner on the way past. So much for the limp. Anyway Cupar is fine, I hope every day that my boy is kind of bomb proof and continues to be so. I let both dogs off lead and they both, both thats both of them waited until I released them. It was amazing.This time was really to get some excercise but I did make the most of the turkey in my treat bag, wow! Cupar found the scent of the deer, I was trying not to panic as this is a new area for him and I have never seen him so into tracking something before. I didn't want him getting too far away so used the whistle and crossed all my fingers , he came back immediately, no hesitation, this boy will do anything for food. We threw the ball for a while (I'm the idiot in the field clapping her hands and shouting really excitedly, goood boy oh good boy then waving my hands , getting down on the ground to receive my beautiful boy when he comes bounding back.) On the return to car both dogs had to do lead training together, it took ages to get to the car. I think I am going to bite the bullet and go to local dog training classes, although I'm not kean as I phoned when Cupar was six months and was asked how big he is as there is a lot of smaller breeds in the upto a year old class. I may just go along to the over a year and rescues class. The other thing Cupar has learned is the retrieve. I really thought I was going to have a dog not interested in retrieving, so I purchased a book on tracking. I will try that in the spring ,but I always have Cassies rope kong in the treat bag , so when training Cupar a couple of weeks ago, I pulled it out , threw it and really expected to get it myself, instead Cupar bounded off found the ball, I was soooo excited he brought it straight back dropped it and let me pick it up as he danced about, I stood up straight ( I get a sit for this) and he sat , not to miss an opportunity I got him to wait and as I swung back I gave him the OK as I released the ball. Repeated this a few times and did a happy dance in the field. My neighbours must think I'm a loony. If you can imagine someone who talks a lot and gesticulates a lot in the middle of a field getting really excited because her dog brought a toy back to her. ,