That's awful, so sorry that Poppy got hurt by those dogs. I hope she mends quickly, poor girl and that you are ok soon too X
Oh my goodness, Karen, how very awful! Poor Poppy! What horrid people - taping the conversation? Seriously? I agree with Julie, I am really wary of a gang of dogs who know each other, somehow it seems like pack behaviour takes over and any dog who isn't part of the pack is a target. Hope Poppy heals up ok without too much fuss. Ugh what a shame.
I get this ALL the time on the Common, with Commercial dog walkers, to the extent there are parts I just will no longer walk on. Thankfully, come May, commercial dog walkers are banned on some parts of the Common and then I can go there. This isn't a comment on ALL commercial dog walkers, my own dog walkers would never let a pack of dogs 'swam' over a single dog on his own. Lots do though, and then complain if you say anything (to which I'm afraid they get an extremely robust response from me, a request for their business name, and reported to the Rangers....).
So sorry about Poppy. I would go to the police and let them have a copy of the photos. Hope Poppy is soon better. Pet psychic. A pet psychic, or animal communicator is a person who claims to communicate psychically with animals. Some pet psychics claim to communicate with long-dead animals, while others can be characterized as animal communicators or animal psychologists
Poor Poppy! I hope she's ok and i hope this awful experience has no side effects on her behaviour towards other dogs in future! Some people just suck!!
poor poppy I hope shes ok soon, it so unfair that nice dogs often suffer because other dogs are allowed by their owners to behave badly. Make sure you send the stupid woman your bill and if your dog is insured and you have any problems your insurance company can and sometimes do get involved on your behalf. Also small claims court can be useful also get in touch with you local dog warden there maybe other complaints about her dogs and they could do a little investigating. She might be an "animal communicator" but it looks like she could do with a lesson in human communication, manners and social responsibilty. So sorry you have had to go through this it is totally unaccepable
Karen this is absolutely dreadful to read ...I'm so sorry and I hope Poppy is not too shaken today....I'm livid on your behalf .Not your beautiful ,well behaved girl's awful. In that situation if your first instinct is to record the conversation rather than do absolutely EVERYTHING to help the other party ,I thinks you are indicating you've' been in a similar situation before.....
how awful for you all. I hope Poppy recovers quickly and you are all able to put this horrible experience behind you xx
So sorry to hear and I wish Poppy a very speedy recovery, physically and emotionally. You, too, it makes it very frightening to walk again. Coincidentally, on our walk this morning, we passed a man with his two staffies. And I was just commenting to my husband how I couldn't believe it when this man had blatantly lied that he had been lying in bed all morning, could not possibly have been him and his dog when a dog attacked my cousin's puppy. But today, as he walked past us -- thankfully the aggressor dog on a leash -- I looked at the back of his head and the way he shaves his head and KNOW it was him and that dog -- I only saw the back of his head as I tried to pull his dog off my cousin's puppy while he was straddling and trying to restrain his dog. (We didn't stick around to get his name or take photos -- we were too distraught!) I would definitely recommend reporting this woman to the police and everyone who comes into contact with her because hopefully it will make her keep her dogs leashed up in future. I am pretty sure this guy, who denied it was his dog, got a huge fright when we knocked on his door, after making several enquiries of who owns aggressive dogs in the neighbourhood -- and after talking to everyone we passed, it came out that his dog had not only attacked another dog, but a person walking a dog. I don't believe things like this happen out of the blue. And clearly this man knows better now and keeps his dog on a leash. So sorry again for dear Poppy.
Thank you everyone for your very kind words. I am still very upset and shaky and your nice words just made me cry again. It wasn't so much the dogs; I know that a pack situation can go wrong and actually we are lucky it wasn't worse; if they had wanted to they could have ripped her to pieces. It was the people; trying to deny that anything had happened, that their dogs weren't under control, taping the conversation - yes I am sure it has happened before. The bite looks worse in a way this morning because the hair around the area was shaved and then with the two staples in it looks pretty awful. Poor Pops was very subdued and shaky yesterday, but seems better this morning. I slept with her in my bed to make sure she was ok. This is how it looked before we went to the vet:
Just terrible! Poor little girl! good job you and your OH kept your cool though! I'm not shure how i would have reacted in your situation. Might have found a good spot to stick that mobile they used to record your conversation(what would have been very unwise and caused even more trouble of course so good job from you there) Lots of cuddles and "get well soon" licks form Odin! I guess you should try to meet up with some nice dogs soon to give her some positive experience with other dogs again!
Poor Poppy, that looks really painful and just as she's recovered from her torn claw good to hear that you had a quiet night with her and she seems a bit better this morning. Hugs and love to you and Poppy