Poor Poppy, I hope she is feeling much better now and it doesn't affect her in the future. What awful people, I too felt so angry reading your post.
Poor girl. Well I hope you go to the police and they do something. It could of been worst for Poppy or it could of been a child. Sending hugs and hope your girl is soon back to herself xx
That bite looks dreadful. I'm so pleased to hear that you and Poppy are a little better today. Big hugs and love to you both from us xxxx
Oh poor Poppy and both you and OH, that bite wound looks deep. If the people are animal communicators, shame on them as they didn't communicate with their dogs!!!!!
Pongo says he would like to have a communication with them and their owners round the back of the bike sheds, right now..... how very DARE they do that to beautiful Poppy...
Now you are all making me laugh! Thank you for cheering me up. I got an email from the Ridgeback breeder and she also called up OH, very apologetic and desperate that we say that the Weimaraner bit Poppy, not her dogs... I guess she is worried about her reputation and has realized that they could be in some trouble. I have said I don't care which of them pays the bill; all I can say is that Poppy lay submissively on her back as she was surrounded by the four big dogs, and that one of them bit her. I do think it was one of the two female Ridgebacks though; I don't really think either of the male dogs would have been very likely to bite. Poor little Popsy; she really has been in the wars recently.
At least the breeder contacted you, something I suppose. Maybe you could say to her that in future her and her friends adopt the correct lead etiquette and put ALL dogs on leads when another dog is approaching to avoid such a dangerous situation and injury to a dog? Might make them think. Poor Poppy she has had a rotten time lately xx You get 'em Pongo!! x
PS Pongo says to tell Poppy that my avatar is a picture of him RUSHING to her aid and she doesn't need to be scared any more.
Something really weird - I very seldom actually have dreams that I can remember, but on Sunday morning I woke in a muck sweat, and told OH that I had just had a bad dream where Poppy was badly bitten by another dog... How very, very odd is that???
I don't think you could have kept your cool in that situation! That bite looks horrid and it could have been so much worse. It should heal fairly quickly as it's on her side and not on her legs or paws, but she must feel a bit bruised too. I'm glad that Poppy's feeling better today and hope that she's not now traumatised by big dogs.
Her asking that you say the Weimaraner did it, is appalling. To me that would make me believe it was one of the others and if the Weimaraner is somebody else's dog that she was looking after, she should be very ashamed to put the blame on it without clear evidence. That aside, I'm glad she's at least contacted you.
I contacted her first - Sent her photos of the bite wound yesterday and told her I'd been to the emergency vet and would be sending her the bill. I also said I was sure it was one of her dogs, not the Weimaraner. She's completely rolled over now, and has just written in a most sickly sweet fashion - "Get better soon, dear Poppy!" - how sickening is that? She says that she will pay the vet bill. I know she is terrified that I'll make a fuss and damage her reputation. Good, let her sweat for a bit. Poppy does seem much happier this evening - I just took her for a little walk and she ran after a deer, so she must be feeling better! The wound looks good, I'll post a photo later. You know what - I really appreciate all the concern you forum members have shown. I know you understand that awful sense of fury, helplessness, and sorrow when your dog gets hurt. And it really is a visceral reaction when they are attacked by another dog - I've had it happen a few times in my life as a dog owner, and it doesn't get easier.
Big hugs to you. I feel quite shaky even thinking about it. It must have been horrific to see it unfolding. How weird about the dream!
I can only imagine how you feel, Karen and I'd be in an awfully shocked and upset state. I really dread anything like what happened to your Poppy happening to Dexter. I do honestly do feel deeply for you. About your dream, did you write about it in a post the morning after? It's just that when I read it on here, I thought I'd read it before and very reasently. Sending you all a big (((HUG))) x
It's good that she's grovelling - so she should! Even paying the bill won't compensate for the distress to you and Poppy, though. It's the least she can do. Don't have any more bad dreams!
Glad Poppy is feeling a little better today. My OH was so shocked when he saw the photo of Poopy. I won't tell you what he said he would to do to them that bit her