It really is a very good thing that Poppy wasn't hurt worse, although that bite looks bad enough. Poor girl! Hope she doesn't have any lasting ill-effects. Trying to make sure you blame the other dog and at the same time offering to pay the bill? I'd say we know whose dog was responsible, all right....
Dexter says there's nothing like a bit of deer chasing to lift the spirits.....Make that breeder sweeeeaaaaat,what an awful individual putting the blame on another dog...
Happened to us yesterday! Two Staffies came up from behind and attacked our three dogs, 2 Labs and an old Flatcoat, the old Flatcoat retaliated! The person in charge was a about youth about 15. My friend screamed and tried to get the dog off, I just lifted him off by his harness and he calmed down immediately. I felt sorry for the young boy, we didn't get cross with him, these things happen.
Im glad Poppy had a bit of a run yesterday I would definitely let her sweat Harley sends Poppy big licks
Poppy's wound is looking much, much better. And she is feeling very perky! I had put a bandage with plasters over it in the night, because I had put some antibiotic cream on it. This morning she had got the bandage off, and ran around the living room with it in her mouth, chucking it all over the place! Then we went for a walk and she wanted to charge around with her friend Timmy, and I had to stop her and put her on the lead, was too worried she would bust open the staples. I would say she is feeling pretty good...
Oh, she will. She is running scared now. She knows that if she doesn't, her name will be mud and it will get around that she has dogs that bite, and that were out of control. Not good PR for a breeder.
Fixed it for you Glad Poppy's feeling a bit brighter and hope she's getting lots of treats for being a brave girl. Do you have to put any cream on the wound?
Thanks Fiona! Yes, I have a nasty-looking but very effective betadine ointment. It works very well and doesn't sting, but it stains everything a nasty brown colour, which is why I put a bandage over it last night. The wound looks so clean now though, I might just start using a normal antiseptic ointment such as savlon.
Glad to hear Poppy's feeling good. The vet prescribed some Manuka honey when Tuppence cut her leg badly: it's called Activon Tube and it certainly helped the healing process. Might need another bandage to cover it, though, as Tuppence has just shown interest in the tube I've just taken out of the cupboard to check the name, so I think it must taste good too!
So pleased to hear that Poppy is feeling bright and perky Think I would still name and shame after she's paid the bill. Prospective puppy buyers are entitled to know the character of her dogs (and her).
Oh Karen I completely missed this. I'm so sorry poor poppy. It must have been awful for all three of you. I've been in the middle of quite a few dog attacks and it's just awful. For some reason my old lab used to get attacked quite regularly. He was always submissive, never fought back. The worst was two bull mastiffs and I really was in the middle of that. Id say by her behaviour its pretty obvious this woman knows it was her dog and that it's happened before. Let her sweat and then put the word out. Poppy looks so sweet in the photo and it looks like she's making sure you get a good shot of her war wound. Brave poppy.
Thank you; she's much better. We are in the UK at the moment, and she spent the afternoon at my sister's house, with five other dogs. She was a little nervous, but played nicely with them all. Her bite is healing well, and I hope the staples can be removed on Tuesday morning.
I'm glad her bite wound is healing It's good that she has been playing with other dogs and hopefully she will get back to being herself soon x
I spoke too soon - last night she got at her wound and chewed the scab off. There is only one staple left holding the wound together, though it is smaller than it was. It's not infected or anything, so I have put ointment on it and a big plaster. I shall have to take her to the vet again tomorrow morning.