I had to leave home at 5am this morning so my husband had to feed Maisie and give her her piriton. I noticed when I got home this evening that she seemed quite drowsy but also had a very runny nose. I questioned whether he had remembered to give her the piriton which he said he did. Something then twigged in my head and I asked him if he gave her the piriton tablets out of the tube from the vets, he said no out of the box. The box was human one a day clarityn!! 10mg worth when she normally has 4mg! No wonder she's tired! My sis was working and so the vet at her practice checked and said Maisie would be fine just overly sedate! No wonder! I obviously have to really spell out everything to my husband! Silly man! Lol
At our place hubby is in charge of medication as I always forget! Glad Maisie didn't get given anything that was a problem
Mines terrible I have to do everything and if he's left with stuff it all has to be written down with times etc. He's a senior consultant scientist ............ sometimes I despair. as long as everyone is alive and not hungry I try no to worry too much if i've had to be away. thanks goodness it was only piriton
I know that feeling. I prepare Juno's breakfast even the night before ready for OH to put in her bowl. If she needs any medication I put that in with the kibble if at all possible. If not I leave it foil wrapped on top of the kibble and hope for the best
When I leave Twiglet with OH I say 'be sure to watch her for needing wees, we've had no accidents so far today' what do I always come home to? OH + kitchen roll + simple solution!
been there too... does he try to blame the wrong dog? my really old boy is on steriods and he gets a bit leaky with them OH tried to blame Rory (young pretender) for Dougs (king of the house) massive living room wee. The reason for that is he likes Doug more and he looked (Doug) embarresed and he wont clean it up if I'm there either,even though it was on his watch