Well, good you have a diagnosis and a treatment plan but I would have thought his nose would look more scraped if he stuck it under something. Really what it looks like a lot to me is bug bites, all separate and round like that. Whatever, hope it clears up soon and he stops itching right away.
Casper had something very similar looking when he came to us from the shelter in Ireland. He was known as Houdini there and capable of scaling a 6 foot fence to get out. He had these irritated spots just under his chin, not on his nose. They got infected and very sore, they did look like bites. The vet surmised it was the effect of him rubbing his chin trying to get out.
Oh dear poor boy!!!!! Hope it clears up quickly and the antihistamine takes away the itch so he's cone free
Oh poor boy....dunno....sounds like he was a bit unsettled in the kennels! I hope it doesn't require the C-O-N-E....and is soon very much better.
Yes, I'm not sure exactly what was going on there. This was a new place, my usual spot has been unavailable for awhile (not exactly sure what is going on there, either, except that along with being a kennel she also breeds GSDs and she had two litters in the last couple months, so I think she's been otherwise occupied). So I had to book this place which actually looks quite nice and the owner seems very kind. He went there last weekend while we were in the mountains for a family reunion, then was home for a day, then back there for two nights as we attended our two boys' convocations in the city. The owner said he was great the first time around and had lots of fun playing with the other dogs, etc. But obviously it must have been different this time - maybe it was just too close to the other stay? I don't know exactly. I tried to call her today but couldn't get in touch with her, I'll try again tomorrow. I imagine she will want to know the outcome of the vet visit and I wanted to hear from her first hand exactly what was going on. It kinda sucks, because there really aren't a lot of options for kennels around here. And I do need to have a place where he can go when we are away. It's not too bad in the summer as my daughter comes home from University and she can be here when we aren't, usually. Anyhow I don't know if the fact that he managed to escape means she won't take him back now. No use fretting about it until I find out for sure. But it is a worry, especially if my other place isn't going to be available. Good news is that the meds seem to be working. At least his nose is not looking quite so raw and inflamed. I'm sure not rubbing it all the time with his paw helps. He doesn't seem to be trying to rub it so I think the meds are kicking in. Hopefully! The cone is being tolerated, although he does look a tad miserable, poor boy. But on the whole So far, so good.
Glad to hear the cone is being tolerated! Be good to find out what happened, you do need an option for kennels. Are there home dog sitters available where you live at all? I think I'd choose that option for Charlie if I had to leave him. I haven't, so far, but thinking ahead to Betsy being in season I'm reviewing my options....
Ah Lisa.I have to confess as I started reading,I scooted through your thread just to see.....and there it was ,the pic of him in the cone ! If the lack of availability at your usual boarding choice can be explained by the litters of pups then maybe that will become available again to you,I hope so,it's a shame when you have somewhere you trust and you aren't faced with a lot of choices.Is it Long before you leave for your Summer hols? X
Oh Simba, if you could talk! I wondered about a home dog sitter, it might suit you better Lisa if you have such a service. The UK is awash with them even where I live. Hope Simba recovers quickly xx
Yes, I would snap up this option if it was available! Unfortunately there is no such thing here. I really hope my regular kennel will be available going forward..and that he doesn't try his Houdini routine there now that he's done it somewhere else.... It's starting to look a bit better, the part at the end was the worst so it will take the longest to heal. But at least it's not itching anymore. He's on quite a lot of meds, poor boy, I hope it won't wreack havoc with his system.
Yes I have a couple friends that I can call on for short term help- like if we are gone for a day. Unfortunately everyone I know in my circle of friends who had dogs now don't, and aren't looking to get another, so it's hard to be reciprocal in that case! It's tricky. My vet friend is very helpful and has offered to look after him when we are gone, but it would mean Simba by himself at the house and people stopping by to walk, feed, etc. So not ideal but the best I can do. However we have done this and it works ok, but I've never done it on an overnight basis. It just seems like a long time for the pooch to be by himself, and/or a lot of trouble for my friend who has to keep coming by the house to walk him. And of course he is a busy vet so not like he has a lot of extra time anyway. Oh gloom, gloom....such is life and there's not much I can do about it. I just hope we can get the kennel sorted out so we can use it when we need to! Just got off the phone with the kennel. They were glad to hear what was the result of the vet visit - they said it was the first day where he seemed a bit unsettled but once he got playing with other dogs and whatnot he seemed fine. He can't get out of his own private run, but it was when he was in their outer enclosure that he scaled the fence. But it was into the next enclosure, where some other dogs were. So it sounded like they would have him back again, and just watch him carefully and take him for walks 3x a day rather than let him loose in the big enclosures. Anyhow just keeping fingers crossed that the nose will heal up without too much difficulties.