New 8mo Black Lab that's a very picky eater

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Daniel, Mar 13, 2017.

  1. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Thank you very much:)
  2. Granca

    Granca Registered Users

    Jan 12, 2014
    Buddy looks great! I can't add anything to the feeding advice because mine have never been difficult to feed, in fact it's more a case of stopping them eating what they shouldn't!
    Daniel likes this.
  3. edzbird

    edzbird Registered Users

    Mar 31, 2015
    Isle of Man
    aww he's gorgeous x
    Daniel likes this.
  4. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Thank you very much. He's a handful but well worth it:)
  5. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Thanks very much. I look forward to the day that happens with him:) Everydays a new day though and its all baby steps:)
    Granca likes this.
  6. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Thank you very much i greatly appreciate the compliment and so does he:) He loves attention and looks so sad if he sees someone and they don't come pet him:)
  7. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Hey just curious has anyone used or heard of Brands called Abound and the other I and love and you from Naked Essentials? My wife texted me those 2 brands while at work at Kroger and told me to ask about those....Tommarow we are going to a store to get a couple samples of a few brands as well as a few we pay for. The store's have said there's a 60 day money back guarantee if we find he doesn't like what we buy and the bags are still half full. I have a feeling inside we will figure him out soon. One thing thats improved since we got him is his gas. Whatever he had in his system still the first few days we had him was brutal. Thanks again so much to everyone who's offered different suggestions and everything. We greatly appreciate it all and are making lots of notes to remember.
  8. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Buddy is just too cute - he's a beautiful looking boy and has such a happy face. Sorry not heard of those brands but good luck with the samples. Pleased to see that Buddy ate some breakfast at last. His routine may have been vastly different, or not had a routine and it is all part and parcel of him settling in and getting into a routine. Persevere and have patience you will get there :)
    Daniel likes this.
  9. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Thanks so much Samantha:) It's all a learning experience for us with him. He's worth it. I agree he may not have had any type of schedule or much of anything else. Patients are a weakness of mine but not in a bad way towards him. It's more of concern then anything. I was told today while talking to a pet store manager that rawhide bones are bad for them as well. I found that peculiar becuse i had never heard of that and the Vet said it was good for there teeth. They even give them one after each visit. There's so maney different opinions on things out there that you just have to pick and choose what you go with and go with what you're gut tells you. He ate a cup of dry food this evening as well as a half can of wett stuff. Tommarow starts a new plan though where hopefully we find something else he likes thats much much better for him and he's on one brand. Not one for wett and another for dry. I need to read more tonight and decide weather to keep him on puppy stuff or go all adult. So maney have told me including 2 vets that he's good to be on adult food. My gut says no but what do i know im a first time lab owner as well as dog owner. Our friends that have dogs have adult dogs and they are no help plus they have smaller breeds too. Alot of the different lab sites ive read say puppy food and we just want the best for him and for him to be as healthy and get everything he needs as possible. This is the only site i post anything on except for a couple FB groups. I haven't done this much reaserch on stuff since i had to for school assignments:) He's worth it though.
  10. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    I personally would keep on with the puppy mix food I have only just started Bailey on adult food as there is more choice with the raw and he's just turned 1 year old. My boy is still growing so his kibble is a junior one. Bailey is my first dog I am raising from an 8 week old pup (its been 30 years of waiting!) and I am learning all the while, mostly from this forum and the main website. Sounds like you are doing a great job with Buddy so far, keep up the good work :)
    Daniel likes this.
  11. Daniel

    Daniel Registered Users

    Mar 12, 2017
    Hey Samantha, sounds like Bailey is doing wonderfully:) So glad you got him and are so paitent:) Just curious you said you had been waiting 30yrs to get him why couldn't you get a Lab sooner? If it's none of my business i totally understand. My wife and i have decided that we will be Lab owner's for life now. Even after Buddy takes a trip to the heavens which hopefully he's got a good 15yrs or more ahead of him:)
    Thanks so much for the compliment. The short time we have had him has been a fun ride and each day he does something new to impress us.
    The last 2 days he's been doing very good at eating. We got some food from Whole Earth Farms Grain Free Dog Food Chicken and Turkey. It's Adult Dog Food and he took right too it. Yesterday he ate about a cup of dry off the backporch cement around 10AM which is great for him since he hadn't been eating really anything till between 4PM-830PM. He then ate a can of wett ground up chicken and Turkey food and about 1/1/2 cups dry off the living room rug. He still prefers his wett to be in the ground up type variety. Try giveing him any of the non ground up stuff and he doesn't want any and he absolutely won't eat any dry outta a bowl no matter what kind of bowl it is. It's no problem putting it on the floor or back yard porch cement. Easy to clean up and vacuum the crumbs. The main thing he's finally starting to eat like a lab. His wett food he will eat outta a bowl as long as it's not his food bowl. He's strange but such a joy and a huge sweetheart:) With this brand he isn't interested in the Puppy dry food so for now as long as he doesn't get sick or anything and keeps growing then we will stick to this since he's really starting to take to it. Trust me im watching like a hawk though. If he shows any signs of illness or anything abnormal we will put a stop to it and go another rouit. So far I've read alot of great reviews on this brand of food but trust me im still researching.
    He appears to be growing and putring on alot of muscle. A neighbor mentioned yesterday that he looks alot bigger then the week before when she saw him. He's been getting plenty of walks and exercise in the backyard. I've taken more pics this weekend and will resize them and post them later today while i watchbthe Chicago Cubs Preseason Baseball game and have him take his nap or play independently with his toys:)
    I hope that you are having a great fun and relaxing safe weekend as well as everyone else and there 4 legged babies:)
    You guy's are all wonderful people.
    Daniel and Buddy:)
    Samantha Jones likes this.
  12. Samantha Jones

    Samantha Jones Registered Users

    Apr 19, 2016
    Hi Daniel - I had to wait 30 years due to our lifestyle. With both my OH and I working full time and neither of us working near home (my commute was 2 hours each way) we felt it was not fair to have a dog. I used to leave home at 5.30am every morning, Monday to Friday and very often not be home until after 8pm at night. Although my OH was home earlier in the evening than me, he did not grow up having any family pets, so it never crossed his mind. With a change in lifestyle - I now work 5 mins from home and although I work mainly evenings and weekends I still have time to devote to raising a dog and giving it the life I think every dog deserves.

    The place where I work is a rugby club and my OH does the grounds there, so Bailey is with either one or the other of us 90% of the time, with just the occasional 3 or 4 hours on his own - usually when my OH picks me up when I finish work after a party at the club, which can be early hours of the morning. But always the best bit of my day is the greeting I get from Bailey and the cuddles that follow :)

    Glad to hear that you have found a food that Buddy likes, sounds as if you have this sussed! Long may it continue - looking forward to seeing the photo's later :)

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