New Labrador puppy owner

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by MJ 98465, Mar 26, 2019.

  1. MJ 98465

    MJ 98465 Registered Users

    Mar 26, 2019
    Hello, I'm a new Labrador puppy owner. Our puppy is now 9- 10 weeks old.I'm having a hard time with our puppy biting me, my clothes , the furniture when ever she and I are home by ourselves. It gets a little frustrating at times because she hasn't gotten all of her vaccinations and is unable to go out. I will admit that I have no idea what I'm doing. And sometimes I feel that I'm actually not always sure if I'm doing the right thing with her in regards training wise. Anyone has some advice or tips on what to do and not to do. Thanks
    Last edited by a moderator: Mar 27, 2019
  2. base28

    base28 Registered Users

    Mar 20, 2018
    Hello, our lab is now 18 months old and on the whole good! We crate trained ours as we have small grandchildren and it was the best decision we could have made! Puppies need lots of good rest to be happy and plenty of socialization! After every meal go straight outside to do jobs and praise all the time. Our Luna loves carrot as treats and we also have plenty of chewing toys for those teeth. An old teacloth tied with knots and made damp and put in freezer is a welcome chew toy.
    Saffy/isla likes this.
  3. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi MJ, welcome to the forum and congratulations on your new puppy! The first few weeks are a steep learning curve, but you'll soon find your feet! Our main site has lots of training guides which you might find helpful - this one about how to stop a puppy biting might be a welcome place to start :) Good luck, and please come back and let us know how you get on!

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