Re: New member - I'm exhausted!!!!! Welcome from me and Simba as well...this is a great place for advice and reassurance, as you have seen!
Re: New member - I'm exhausted!!!!! Hello from Benson (1 year ) and Casper (nearly 6) and me, Kate I so remember those early days, and feeling so tired and frustrated at times. It really does get better!
Re: New member - I'm exhausted!!!!! Welcome, welcome it's great here! Sounds like you doing fabulous, Bailey 5 months is crated and luckily for me, my uni kids were working, harry had to get up at 3.30, Tasmin at 5 so we would take him out at 12, go to bed, Harry took out at 3 Tas at 5 By the second week, harry would leave note saying too tired, by 3 week Tas leaving note too tired Up at 6! Now 11 - 7 It will improve, hang in yherex