Hello, Just joined today! I have a half lab/border collie and poissbly a half lab/half Pointer. They love to swim and one loves to fetch, the other is only sometimes. Haha! I also have a beagle who doesn't fetch at all. Half the time I can't get her to even catch a toy. Here's a video.
Thanks for all the welcomes! Cailin the beagle is 7 years, Bear the Lab/bc is 4 years, and Happy the Lab/Pointer is 3 years. I'll get photos up soon!
Welcome to you from Mags, Tatze and Keir from Manchester UK Tatze is my pet dog, a black Lab and she's four years old. Tatze means 'paw' in German. Keir is my fifth Guide Dog puppy, a yellow Golden Retriever/Flatcoat cross and he's five months old.