Hi all! New puppy mom here. I’ve been stalking these threads trying to find out about a puppy’s ears changing shape during teething. Short story: We adopted a puppy a week ago. She’s a beautiful girl who loves to cuddle. Yesterday, she was more nippy/bitey than usual. Today, I noticed that her ears are less floppy and more like a pitbull’s ears. Nothing against the breed (our last dog was a mutt and likely had some pity in him) but we were hoping for a full lab this time around as we have a young child. I read that teething can cause a temporary ear change. Can that happen this early on? Any help would be appreciated!
If you really wanted a full lab, the best way to ensure that would have been to get a pup from a breeder who registers puppies, OR if you specifically wanted to rescue, to get an adult full-grown rescue - so you will know what you are getting, not only in terms of appearance but also temperament. Labrador ears can vary quite a lot. Some labs can have longer ears, whilst others have shorter ears. These can all be full pedigree labs. Of course there is also a chance your puppy is not a pedigree lab - or even a labrador at all, dependent on the information the rescue has. Young puppies of many different breeds can all look very similar when they are young.
Hi @Stella Perhaps you can upload a photo of your puppy? How old is the puppy? Look in the technical section for advice on how to upload a photo.
Thanks for your reply. I completely agree. Just to clarify, we’re ok with her being a crossbreed, we were just told she was full Labrador and were excited about that. Curious if maybe a full lab can have ears like she has.
She’s got some yellow down her spine and at the tips of her ears but she is very very pale yellow. Almost white.
Hi @Stella The ears do look a bit odd, especially if they look like that all of the time. Keep us informed over the coming months.
https://m.facebook.com/groups/115054915735267?view=permalink&id=396228757617880 My pups ears look similar to this she is full pedigree working American type. Not sure if you can see from the link on fb not sure how to post pics here.
Another fb link to my page. https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10157063727102630&id=665052629
Here she is today... thoughts on a possible crossbreed? Is she looking less lab? She’s now 11 weeks old.
The ears makes me think she is a cross with something else, I just don’t know what. Her fur also looks more white than a labs would be, but I’m no expert on this stuff. Either way, she’s beautiful.
Thank you! She’s very very (almost white) pale yellow. I’m going to post a picture of her back where you can see more of the yellow tinge. ☺️