New to the world of labs

Discussion in 'Introductions & Saying Hello' started by Shaina Carey, Apr 8, 2018.

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  1. Shaina Carey

    Shaina Carey Registered Users

    Apr 8, 2018
    Thank you for letting me join. My name is Shaina, and my family never had a lab mix before. We got a 6 week old lab/pit mix on Wednesday(Was lied to about the age from the person we got her from) and I can't wait to learn more about the breed. Her name is Stella
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Hi Shaina, welcome to the forum.
    Unfortunately I have to lock your thread right now as we don't allow threads about underage puppies, even though inadvertently adopted at a young age.
    I hope the following mod note will explain why.
    Do stick around though, take a look at the forum and the Labrador site proper.
    Once your pup is 7 weeks or more please feel free to post.

    Moderator Note:

    Moderators note

    Sadly, in some parts of the world there is a tragic trade in tiny puppies barely able to walk. On the Labrador site we frequently get comments from people who have purchased puppies as young as 21 days old. Their owners will usually need help from a qualified veterinary professional if the puppy is to survive and thrive.

    Our forum policy is to encourage people to wait until their puppy is eight weeks old before collecting it from the breeder. To make sure we are not encouraging the trade in underage puppies, nor depriving these puppies of essential veterinary attention, we have the following rule.

    If a forum member’s puppy has been removed from the breeder/ mother before the age of seven weeks, that member must wait until their puppy is seven weeks old before posting about him or her on the forum

    We recommend that anyone with a puppy under this age contacts their vet without delay for instructions on feeding, general care, and medical treatment. We understand that members want to help these puppies, but the forum is not the right place to be distributing specialist advice of this nature.
    Shaina Carey likes this.
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