My 14 week old puppy has outgrown her puppy crate already. The next one we've got is huge but is the next available size, she's never gone to the toilet in her crate but I'm worried that this new one will encourage her to start
If you're worried about that, block off a bit of the crate. We bought the size crate we'd need for an adult and my husband made a divider to move as Willow grew, but, to be honest, we only moved it once, then got rid of it and she only went in her crate when she had a poorly tummy overnight and I didn't get to her in time (at which point, I started sleeping on the sofa until she was better!). Some people put something (a box etc) in one end of the crate to block it off, but I'd be concerned that a puppy would chew it.
It is a misunderstanding that the crate will toilet train a puppy. It's an aid but YOU still have to get the puppy out in time to potty. Till she is about 6 months old she will gradually develop more and more bladder and sphincter control till she is able to hold on for an amazing length of time. Which you should NOT make her do of course. As a baby puppy when she's has to go she has to go and will have little to no ability to hold, YOU have to be there to get her out. You are human, sometimes you won't get there in time. The meeting will run late, traffic will be heavy, you will sleep soundly and late. Then, in the crate sized so small puppy can only stand up, turn around and lie down she will have no choice but to lie in her pee or poop or puke. Myself, I will never, ever size a crate like that again. The biggest possible crate for me, so puppy can find a dry spot when I fail in my duties to her. Actually, I put the big crate with the door open in a pen or in my gated kitchen. On those times I failed to get there in time I found my puppies chose to potty outside the crate, well away from the door to it. REally, when they were very young and time was of the essence in getting outside the crate was an impediment.
I agree with Fiona (Snowbunny), block part of the crate off if you're worried but I can't see any reason why your puppy should start using the crate as a toilet if she haven't so far, particularly if there is no other change to the daily routine.
Brilliant thank you. She's not used her crate at all as we have been gradually increasing the night times and not much time is spent in there in the day time. She's a good girl.