I second that. I had an inkling about this 'surprise' for various reasons, but really want to again take my hat off to @snowbunny for bringing Chi back to Spain. I know it wasn't an easy decision, not because you don't love her, but just because of the logistics and a lot of other reasons. I hope the obstacles aren't as bumpy as you may think - you and she both deserve an easier road than you've had in the past year. Also seconding Fiona's kudos to Kate and Marcus @Beanwood . They and their dogs are such superstars at helping rescues, friends who rescue, rescues who are friends, rescues who aren't friends yet but are going to be... ...well, you get what I'm trying to say, right?
I've clearly missed a story here, I thought you had 3 dogs ... 4?? I've got enough trouble with 2, goodness knows I'd never manage 4 I'll have to back track to find out what's gone on and catch up.
I think we're all wondering why Chi has ended up back in Spain, but are just too polite to ask outright
Chi’s face definitely has a look of mischief. It’s as though she’s thinking ha! My plan worked.. back where I belong
Nothing terribly exciting happened; we just decided that it was in her best interests to be back with me. I think Kate probably agrees, considering Chi’s little face when she recognised me in France I got another great welcome when I got back from my travels yesterday. A little tail flick, “Is it really you?”, followed by leaping onto my lap and loads of kisses: “It is! It really is!!”
The look of absolute joy when Chi spotted you in the carpark in France, is something I will always hold very dear to me, it was just pure happiness...the onion cutting ninjas did a real job on both myself and Marcus that day!
YES, I always knew Chi would find her way back to you, it was meant to be Very happy for you all xx A name change is a good thing. How about Cleo, I like Blossom because she has. I will think of some more. xx
What a wonderful outcome , after a monumental joint exercise , bless you all for helping , this has given me a much needed smile , smashing news xxxxx Carmen ??
Well, if Fifi really isn't in the cards (heh heh ), my favourite suggestion so far is Mia. I like that you are re-naming her for this next phase of her adventure. Inspiring to some of us (ahem) who may have foster dogs with less than optimal Spanish-perrera-given names.
We're currently toying with "Juniper" Could be shortened to "Ginny" (juniper in Catalan is ginebre), which also ties in with the Harry Potter theme. Still undecided, though. We keep coming up with names and then we look at her and they don't seem to fit.