Normal Weight 5 Month Old Lab Puppy

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by RyonD, Mar 17, 2017.

  1. RyonD

    RyonD Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    In December I picked up a Chocolate Labrador puppy for my wife on Xmas. She always wanted one. I didn't pay much attention of my pup Sienna's weight, but she was less than 6 lbs at 8 weeks. Currently at 5 months she weighs a whopping 24lbs! She's very healthy and will post a photo once I figure out how to.

    My concern is based on what I searched on this forum, if she is going to be a very small Lab? When do Labs roughly stop growing? She's in the teething process too by the way.
  2. UncleBob

    UncleBob Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Sep 20, 2013
    Hi and welcome to the forum,

    Trying to establish the 'right' weight for a Labrador is like trying to establish the 'right' weight for a human - it varies (a lot!). It's probably better to assess by sight and touch rather than by using scales. Does she look too thin? If you feel her chest how thick is the covering between her ribs and your hands? (very roughly, if it feels like a sheet it's on the thin side, if it feels like a duvet its on the fat side, and if it feels like a blanket then that's the Goldilocks weight (just right!).

    If you haven't already seen it there is a whole thread dedicated to puppy weights here: puppy weights.
  3. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Hi and welcome. My girl was very small as a pup, but is now a very healthy 27/28kg. I adjust her food dependent on her look. She has a tucked up waist and you should be able to feel her ribs by lightly rubbing your hand across her rib cage as said above.
    I know some labs that are 42kg+ and others as small as 20kg fully grown. They generally keep growing until they are about 12-18 months old.
  4. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    My boy was 30 pounds at 5 months so she's only a bit smaller. Now, at 9 years, he is in the middle of the standard for weight at 68 pounds. This is the same weight he was at 12 months old so that's when he stopped growing. In Canada our standard gives weights, sort of. What does your breeder say? How big were the parents? Except our perfectly healthy first Lab pup, who matured at 56 pounds, one pound above the lowest weight of 55 in our standard for girls, had much bigger parents. Still, she was healthy and fit and easy to lift. :)

    Looking forward to a photo of Sienna. :)
    jin smith likes this.
  5. Harley Quinn

    Harley Quinn Registered Users

    Feb 15, 2017
    Hello and welcome! We are the proud parents of what I think is going to be a littler lab. Harls was the smallest of her litter and she was a very underweight pup. But more than that her mother, who had such a calm and gentle nature, was not a big lab and that was part of the reason we chose one of her puppies. I want a big dog without having a "big" dog. Harley won't make the minimum breed standard height requirements but she doesn't know that and she is just the way I wanted her. :heart:
    Saffy/isla likes this.
  6. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Welcome! My boy Pongo is at the (ahem) extreme end of the spectrum. He is just over three years old and a huge 41kg (that's about 90 lbs). But he is not overweight - he has a nicely tucked waist from the side and above, and his ribs feel just like they are under a blanket (not a duvet). He is just a very, very big boy.

    Pongo had pretty much reached his adult height at 12 months. After that he stopped getting "bigger" and just "filled out", putting on muscle and generally looking more and more adult. I think he probably reached his full growth at about 18 - 21 months.

    (He still believes that he is a 10kg puppy, with a brain to match.)
    selina27 likes this.
  7. RyonD

    RyonD Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017



    Yep, that's her, 8 weeks to 5 months. She weighed 4 1/2 lbs (2kg) . and now is 24 lbs (11kg). She's at a lean weight right now. I cn only see her ribs when she is eating, stretching, running, etc. At a stand still, her ribs aren't exposed. She's healthy.
    BevE, Cath, Harley Quinn and 2 others like this.
  8. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Are you sure she was 8 weeks when you got her? That doesn't look like an eight-week old Lab puppy to me! o_O
    QuinnM15 likes this.
  9. Rosie

    Rosie Registered Users

    Feb 14, 2014
    South Wales
    Oh, I am in LOVE. Those ears. :heart:
  10. RyonD

    RyonD Registered Users

    Mar 17, 2017
    Yeah she was the runt of the bunch. I "saw" the litter when they were a week old, but didn't purchase until she was 8 weeks (which was recommended by the breeder). She was very tiny and the only one available. I thought she would eventually grow into her weight, she still may. Her brothers and sisters were significantly larger than her and I guess the parents were fair in size. I'm more than happy with her regardless. I get tons of compliments when she hikes with us. I feel like she will have that puppy look forever. This is my first dog by the way, but my Wifes second. So ism still in the learning phase. Good thing this website existed.
    kateincornwall likes this.
  11. QuinnM15

    QuinnM15 Registered Users

    Apr 13, 2016
    Quinn was average weight until about 7 months and she slowed down and only gained 9 more lbs from there (now 15 months). She's on the petite side but just over breed standard at 57lbs. Her mom was also on the smaller side. She's the perfect size - a petite frame and faster than the big labs at the park :)
  12. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    She is a real cutie pie ! They do vary so much, both in growth rates and end game ! My dog is huge , 40 kilos but no fat, just a very big boy , whereas my last Lab was around 32 kilos . Its how they look that matters, no so much the weight, if they look too fat, then they are too fat , similarly if you think they look scrawny and their ribs stick out , they are too skinny . Happy and healthy looking is good , she is like a tiny teddy bear !
  13. Ski-Patroller

    Ski-Patroller Cooper, Terminally Cute

    Feb 8, 2016
    Portland, Oregon & Mt Hood Oregon
    Cooper was tiny when she was a pup. We think Cooper was the runt of the litter, although we did not see all of the pups together. She weighed 6.5 lbs at 7 weeks, which was 1.7 lbs less than Tilly at the same age. Now Cooper is a monster. She stands 24+ inches at the withers and weighs 85 lbs. Tilly is 21 inches and 64 lbs. Initial size of the pup does not seem to be a predictor of final grown up size. Cooper's parents were both tall and only a little lighter than she is.
  14. Harley Quinn

    Harley Quinn Registered Users

    Feb 15, 2017
    Oh my gosh, what an adorable little pup. That last photo is too cute for words!
  15. Cath

    Cath Registered Users

    Jan 17, 2015
    Hello and welcome to the forum. Annie was tiny when we got her, she was the runt of her litter, but now she weighs 25 kg, she is still small but perfectly formed.
  16. jerrecia

    jerrecia Registered Users

    Nov 17, 2018

    So I’m having the same concern. I just got my lab last Saturday and she’ll be 9 weeks Monday the 19th. I took her to the vet the following Tuesday after I got her and she was 5.9lbs. The vet checked her stool and she was clear of worms. When she poops I honestly don’t know if it’s diarrhea. Like it’s soft. But there’s this chart that apparently people use to rate it from 1-7 and dogs should be at a 2, but hers seem like a 4 or 5. I’m gonna call again or make a trip Monday or Tuesday if nothing changes, but I’m just wondering if anyone has any ideas or suggestions?
  17. Abhishek C Rao

    Abhishek C Rao Registered Users

    Nov 28, 2018
    Hi, First-time doggy-dad here. Discovered this forum a couple of hours ago.
    My Zorro boy (Black Lab in the picture) is 10 n a half weeks old and weighs 8.4 kgs. Have been a litle worried for sometime that he is underweight - not anymore though, after reading posts in this forum. That said, i still dont know whether Zorro is big/small/typically average for his age. Would love to hear from you folks about what you think about the same, and any muses on the most likely growth curves that i should be expecting for Zorro?
  18. puppy mom

    puppy mom Registered Users

    Aug 9, 2017
    Hi Twosocks was small a 8 weeks, she has filled out nicely. she is now three years and my vet says she is overweight by a few pounds. the last wellness check two weeks ago she was 71 lbs . she seems to put on weight easily. she doesn't have a highly active life style. I try to play in the yard and she does like to walk on the treadmill. She was on Fromm weight control for several months. she would go down in weight then up. never steady. she gets three cups per day. and yet she always seemed hungry. I am now trying royal canin and she eats it like it was gold. I am not sure if there is any other brand out there that would be better.
  19. Edp

    Edp Registered Users

    Mar 16, 2014
    If you want weight loss you don't need a specialist diet, just decrease what you feed and increase her exercise. Sounds like she could do with a few long walks .
    Christina2807 likes this.

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