Not a true Lab

Discussion in 'Labrador Breeding & Genetics' started by Daniel1, Dec 13, 2018.

  1. Daniel1

    Daniel1 Registered Users

    Jul 28, 2018
    Hi can you please tell me why the C.K.C. And the A.K . C . Can say that a Silver Lab. Are recognized as a pure Breed Lab . When the are actually a mixed breed . I find it outrageous that a club that is supposed to put forth the true breed of a dog . Is actually letting a person with the lack of knowledge and put there trust and the A.K.C. Or the C.K.C. To help the first time buyer of a Lab. To believe the are purchasing a purebred Dog . I come to relize that both organizations are committeing fraud . As I know a person purchase a Silver Lab . To show and was told by the judge that they would never win because of the colour of the Dog did not meet the Colour requirements of a pure breed Lab . So there for after receiving false information from the breeder . The person was very disappointed . So why would anyone register there Dog with a organization that is given the task to make sure that you are buying a purebred Animal .when they are not following there own rules . It sounds like a Money issue that anything goes . Well let me tell you I for one will no longer be a Member of a organization that is dishonest . And should be held responsible for the Information they are giving to new members .
  2. sarah@forumHQ

    sarah@forumHQ Moderator

    Oct 1, 2018
    Hi Daniel, welcome to the forum :)

    You're not the only one who feels strongly about silver Labs!

    Pippa has written more about them, and the arguments for and against giving them purebred status, over on the main site.

    It's a fascinating article, I really recommend taking a look!
  3. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Hi Daniel,

    You can find both sides of this very controversial topic in this extensive article on silver Labs. It is a topic that gets people rather riled up, so be prepared for some strong feelings here if this one gets picked up on :)

    I'm not a fan of kennel clubs personally. I feel they exist to promote breeders, and themselves as an entity, rather than better the breeds in terms of health. (Look at the sorry state of the English Bulldog, Pug etc).

    However, I also strongly believe that mixing is actually vital for the future of dogs in general, so even if silver Labs are actually mixes, I don't see this as a problem provided they are healthy/fully health tested too. There are good and bad breeders of every color of Labrador, and it can be very tricky to find the right one whatever your priorities.

    It must have been very disappointing for your friend that wanted to show their dog to find out what a minefield they'd walked into!
  4. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    Jinx! Crossed over with this :)

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