Not eating food but will eat treats

Discussion in 'Labrador Behavior' started by GoldenlabZola, Apr 11, 2021.

  1. GoldenlabZola

    GoldenlabZola Registered Users

    Sep 16, 2020
    Hi there

    My 10month lab all of a sudden has decided her breakfast and dinner is not a thing of interest anymore and she point blank refuses to eat any kibble.

    She gets some kibble with a small amount of wet food to keep it moist. But recently when I put her usual meal down she’s just not for eating it.

    She will eat treats when training. Even eat the kibble if I give it to her as a reward. But not from her bowl. She almost acts scared of the bowl if I put it down or lift it to put it closer to her.

    I can’t pin point anything that’s happened to make her scared of meal times and these were her favourite times of the day.

    She’s drinking normally. Peeing fine. Poops are normal. Same energy levels would spend all day at the park if she could. I can’t see anything obvious in her mouth that would be causing her pain - fair enough I’m not a vet.

    If you leave the food for long enough she’ll occasionally wander back and forward to it and eat bits at a time. I’ve tried a new food. Same thing. Tried food in a play mat. Won’t eat it. Even changed the bowl to a Tupperware dish.

    Does anyone have any advice? I don’t think she needs to go the vet just yet cause nothing is showing me that she’s in pain or has any GI issues. I know dogs can get fussy and go through a fear spell about now. I just want to make sure she eats so she’s getting what she needs.

  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    How stressful for you :(

    I would go to the veterinarian for this one. The reason being, any stark behavioral change like this can be an indication of pain, even if there are no other signals. I'd give them a ring this morning and see what they say.

    ( An animal in pain might for example feel comfortable enough with you, or in their standing position, to take food by hand, but not feel it's worth bending down to the bowl/mat. )

    If the vet can't find anything wrong, then I'd wonder if something has made her afraid of bowls. Maybe stop using them for a couple of weeks and hand feed all her meals. Let her forget whatever has upset her, and get out of the habit of worrying at meal times.

    As an added bonus, you can use it to consolidate some basic training and use all her meals as training treats :)

    I hope she's feeling back to normal soon. Do let us know how you get along!
  3. GoldenlabZola

    GoldenlabZola Registered Users

    Sep 16, 2020
    Hi there sorry it’s taken me a while to get back

    I spoke with the vet. Nothing is telling me she is unwell. She’s drinking, eating (treats and food in all different combinations), peeing, pooping, playing etc. She’s just being fussy I feel.

    The vet gave me some tips and she’s eating her food with some hot water and a different wet food in it. Still a struggle sometimes but once she gets started she’s okay and she eats it.

    Will keep a wee eye on her and if there’s anything that changes I’ll make an appointment.

    Thanks for answering me x

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