Hello guys, Balu just arrived home on sunday morning and he eat his food, the sunday evening he eat weel to just like monday he eat all the food. Just yesterday he seems not want to eat, he is very active, very live, he play and run with very energy nothing wrong but seems he don´t want to eat unless we just play with the food or we give him attention and he eats a little bit. Maybe he don´t like the new food? The breeder says that should be a behavior to take attention, becaus he hes so energic don't seem to be sick. What do you think?
What times are you feeding him? With our boy i leave the food for 20 minutes and if he hasnt eaten it i take it away and then dont feed him until the next scheduled time. This way he is hungry for his next meal and he will learn to eat his food when it is given.
Hi, there are many different reasons for dogs to go off their food. Here is an article that looks at them, and helps you decide if and when to call the vet My Dog Won't Eat Hope you find it helpful
Small puppies sometimes do go off their food when they arrive in their new home without mum and siblings. Are you still feeding the same food as the breeder? Try adding a little water to the food to moisten it and see if that encourages him to eat.
Today he has eaten a lot better, don´t eat everithing but he eated. I feed him at 9 a.m. more or less and 8p.m.
I just finish with the breeder food yesterday, today i eated better so I will see if it was just in that days that he don´t want to eat
If he is a tiny puppy he needs feeding four times a day to begin with, then down to three and finally at 6 months 2 meals a day. Give small meals and he should be eager to eat, if not hungry, they he is either full up or not well.
As Stacia has said, if he is 8 weeks old he needs four small meals a day. Have a look at this guide: Feeding Your Lab Puppy and do let us know how you get on with your little one