Not finishing food

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Tatti, Dec 16, 2015.

  1. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Something very strange just happened. My baby lab, the one that tells me she is starving even after she just eaten a huge bowl of kibble (you know the type I'm sure) has just left half her dinner. She went over to it, ate some, stared at it a bit and sniffed around then looked at me and sat down...having not eaten most of it.
    With some coaxing we got some more down but now I'm worried.
    I have two theories And I'm hoping somene might have experienced this before:
    1) I had a very very very stressful day at work today, I work from home with my pup so maybe she has picked up on my angst???
    2) having tried and failed to move her onto Orejin- a new kibble a few weeks ago (her tummy just couldn't deal with it), I started giving her a few pieces of a new food yesterday and popped some in with Her kongs today. She goes crazy for it- more than she does with her treats. She absolutely loves it and so far her tummy has been ok (for interested folk- it's lilys kitchen puppy food- kibble). So I'm thinking she is now a bit unhappy with just her regular kibble?? I tried mixing in a few pieces of new stuff to her half full bowl and she just picked them out and left the rest...

    If 2 is right and I have a labradiva on my hands, how do I get her to eat her old food with the new- I don't just want to start one and stop the other- she has quite a sensitive belly.

    I should say she has been playing, tail wagging all evening so I don't think its health related although with this one- you never know what she picks up while you head is turned...

    Any thoughts?
  2. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    If she is otherwise happy and healthy, and enjoying her new food which you are switching to anyway, I'd just carry on as normal and don't worry about it. Just keep mixing in the new food with the old, and if she doesn't eat all of it, throw what's left away.

    If she gets really hungry, she'll eat more. And if she doesn't, well, you are gradually building up the quantity of new food she has and in a week or so she'll be on that anyway.
  3. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    How old is she? They sometimes do go off their food when growth slows for a bit. Or when they no longer need three feedings a day and are ready to go to two. This might especially be it if you went to a new food with higher fat and kcal/cup numbers.
  4. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Hmm, so it seems that perhaps she is not so well. She has had a very runny tummy this morning and my husband tells me she would only eat her dried kibble, not the pre-soaked stuff. She is still drinking water.

    I suspect that we overdid it on the new food yesterday and now we have a combination of her being fussy but her sensitive tummy not being so sure about the new stuff.

    I'm going to try to just feed her normal but dry food today and if I don't have a poo with more form by the end of the day take her to the vet tomorrow.

    Does this sound like a reasonable plan?

    She seems ok, although perhaps a little more willing to sleep than normal. She was still super excited to see us this morning and had a big run in the park with her doggy friend so it's probably just the food thing right?

  5. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Not sure if this is related but she did have her big worming tablet yesterday.. ?
  6. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    My dog was poorly recently after Advocate - I've got a different wormer/flea treatment from the vet to try next time. It very well may be that - if so, she'll soon pick up.
  7. Camy

    Camy Registered Users

    Nov 5, 2015
    I will tell you about my experience with Eric, as he had some problems with his tummy when he was a baby. As any new puppy owners we told our self's that we would give him the best care (best food, vitamins, toys...and so on). We started with Orijen food (here that is the best one can find). He was ok for a while then started with tummy problems...loose stool. He was always happy and playing and eating but that problem would not go away. We did all kinds of treatments and was ok for the duration of one treatment then back to start. We changed his food with Taste of the Wild and same problem...then we changed to Acana...same problem. The we figured that those foods had only one ingredient in common PEAS!. We started him on the only organic food without peas that we could find here and he was fine. All of the problems gone. If any of this seems familiar to you might want to look into that.
  8. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Poor girl has also been sick now :(
    Going to take her to the vet just to be on the safe side.
  9. kateincornwall

    kateincornwall Registered Users

    Mar 4, 2012
    Poor love, you do right to have her checked over ,hope she is better soon x
  10. Oberon

    Oberon Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 6, 2013
    Canberra, Australia
    Hope she is ok. Vet is best when in doubt.
  11. Tatti

    Tatti Registered Users

    Oct 7, 2015
    Devon, U.K.
    Been to the vets - she said it's probably something she's eaten, no temperature and looks fine so I have special food and pro-biotic stuff to syringe down her throat. Oh and she isn't allowed to eat anything until tomorrow. Poor little thing is definitely hungry- this is going to be tough!

    She perked up at the vet because it's a 5 minute walk away and there were other pups there and the vet said she looked fine but she was sick the minute we got home and she's all lethargic and tired now. I suppose a day with no food will do that. Anyway, fingers crossed she's not sick again and she sleeps off the worst over night.

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