I'm really struggling with my Labradors weight. We get her food from tails.com which is tailored to her needs but she's not lost anything since starting it 3 months ago I walk her 3 miles a day and further on the weekends - any advice would be appreciated!
It's really very simple. If she's not losing weight (and needs to), then she's eating too much. Try cutting her food down by a third. Even a "bespoke" service can't take into account the individual dog's metabolism, how much effort they actually put in on walks, how much they burn in their daily movements etc.
I had a look at tails and input my older dogs details. The feed wasn't too bad, not as good quality at what I currently feed him. What surprised me was how much food they recommended , higher fat content, lower protein but 357g per day, plus treats. He would be as round as a barrel on that!
If we feed our dogs the "recommended" amount, they would look like pigs. FWIW, Lots of dogs are free feeders and will not eat more than they need, but it seem most Labs don't know when to stop. Tilly was a free feeder, but it doesn't work now with Cooper around, because Coop will polish off anything she can find.
I met an enormous Labrador yesterday, the same age as Tatze but a complete barrel. I felt so sorry for him, his movement and breathing were poor. His human is a mad bird feeder taking loaves of bread for ducks and seagulls out every day - the dog helps himself too. Tatze got some and I said 'My dog has eaten some of your bread, it's very bad for her'. The woman apologised but no doubt will think I'm the mad one and rude with it. ...
I think some people equate food with love. I sure I would been much ruder. People who feed my dog never try again. I explain how ill they could make him and that I will bring them my vets bill for them to pay as they have just poisoned him.even the really crazy feeders don't try now they know I mean it. I get so tired of how stupidity of others can damage my dogs.