A week ago we were in Melboune with Obi and while we were there he did something to hurt his left front foot. Top contenders were (a) walking across a bridge made of a very uncomfortable metal grid or (b) running round on rough concrete like a wild thing with his crazy Beagle cousin Betsy. Whatever it was he had a sore foot and by the time he got home to Canberra he couldn't leave it alone and it was a bit angry looking. His licking and chewing were making it worse and, thinking this was 99% of the problem we stuck a dog sized sock and boot on his foot (and also bathed it in Betadine daily) hoping that'd allow it to heal. For a few days it did start to look better, but it then went downhill and just looked moist, kinda raw and a bit pus-sy. And the area between two toes has become a bit swollen. So, that meant a vet visit today. The vet thinks he has something lodged in his paw (like a splinter) so he has to go back to the vet tomorrow to be sedated so they can have a good squiz. Naturally we feel like failed doggy parents (but know we're only human...). He's been given an anti-inflammatory so I hope that makes it feel less sore. At present he's sporting this fashionable look.. He's managing well, actually. Still able to lick the kitchen floor like any self-respecting Labrador... ....and clean out the Le Creuset... We haven't told him yet that he's not getting any breakfast...!
He had to wear the boot at daycare last week. He went on strike.... No, I am indifferent to your efforts to cheer me. I am wearing a boot. I hate this stupid boot.
Oh the poor boy, he must be really uncomfortable but hopefully tomorrow's vet exam will solve the problem. It's always difficult to know the best action when you can't see anything wrong so don't start blaming yourself for not taking him to the vet sooner - you looked after his paw really well but there's not much you can do if there is a splinter which couldn't be seen. I've always found it amazing as to what Juno was able to pick up in the garden whilst wearing her collar after her spay and her elbow surgery - where there's a will so they say . Hoping all goes well tomorrow and Juno sends licks to Obi to make his paw better
Oh sorry to hear he's got a sore foot,not nice ,hopefully they can dig in to get the foreign object and then take care of the infection. That photo did make me laugh of his tantrum in the field....or rather his lie down protest! X Feel better soon Obi Labrador ,you don't look too happy with your collar on
Thanks Rosemary We definitely do wish we'd seen the vet sooner but just did not think he'd have something lodged in there. He has seasonal allergies and has a bit of a history of rapidly causing the odd raw/bald spot to appear through licking at itches (fixed by stopping the licking) so we thought it was just another one of those times but that it had got a bit infected.... The boot probably hurt so that's why it made him a bit depressed. Poor sausage.... Just makes us appreciate how tolerant he's been with all the mucking about with boot/sock changes and foot bathing over the last week. At least we're on our way to getting it sorted now. Hopefully they find the problem without having to do too much.
And Obi sends thanks to Angela and Barbara too Can I just mention that a Labrador with a cone takes up a lot more of the pillow than a Labrador without a cone...
Pongo sends sympathies to Obi and suggests he milk the situation for all it is worth..... he has learned that a guilt trip on his humans is worth substantial quantities of treats.
That is one unimpressed Labrador! I hope the vet sorts it out post-haste and that Obi is back on fighting form soon.
I know labs are good at looking fed up at the best of times but obi really doesn't look impressed at wearing cone, boot or having his photo taken under such embarrassing circumstances. Poor dog. Hope the vet sorts it quickly and he can loose his embarrassing apparel.
Poor Obi - oh, the humiliation Hope he feels better soon. No chance this will cheer him up, I suppose....
This time tomorrow all will be sorted and he will be on the mend. If only they could talk eh? Good luck at the vets'.
Thanks everyone Love the 'cone of happiness'. Pongo - Obi will be getting some fine treats tonight, don't you worry! Hopefully tonight it'll all be sorted and then he can just get better... Hopefully nothing odd or complicated about it. They said they might take x-Rays to see if he's broken a toe so I hope it's not that (I think he'd be limping a lot more if it was...).
Poor Obi! poppy had that at Christmas, with the pus-filled boil between her toes due to a splinter... Got better in a week or two, but there was a lot of scope for maximum drama in the interim... Hope Obi is better soon x
Thanks guys Karen, that's what the smart money is on here - pus filled boil between toes due to splinter. Presently getting the sad eyes of a dog who is not allowed to lick yoghurt spoons, breakfast bowls or, horrors, eat breakfast at all. Plus he's dribbling saliva all over the inside of the cone.