Poor Obi, he is having a rough old time with that paw. Hope it heals soon so he doesn't have to endure cone and boot for too much longer
Poor Obi...come on, Lambies, do your thing and get our Obi back to full form! Love the boot, Rachel...wow, how I wish I was half as clever as you and could have come up with something for my poor old pooch when he had foot troubles! He had stitches on the bottom of his pad....what a huge mess and bother.... Obi is doing fabulously well although I know it's a huge bother. Hope it heals up without any further complications. I hope the day care gets some pics of Obi and the puppies.....
Thanks, Lisa The boot isn't fancy but it's making life easier for us and Obi doesn't hate it. There should be pics on FB so I'll grab a couple to put up here. We're going to see how he copes with the Ruffwear boot tonight and if that's ok he might not need the one tomorrow (as he can't get the Ruffwear boot off). It's not as soft as my neoprene boot though so he might go on strike again. We'll see!
I like those ones, Lisa. They look reasonably soft and flexible. The Ruffwear ones are a bit hard and stiff for a sore foot (as they're designed as a durable outdoor boot for healthy feet) and Obi won't tolerate them. Need something designed for a sore foot. Might look for a local supplier of the Therapaw as this foot saga has a couple of weeks left to run I'd say... Obi is with the puppies at Daycare today
Aw bless his little cotton socks! I am assuming you have tried the Pawz boots or something similar. They are just like rubber baloons. We have some in case of cuts and sores in our first aid kit. Disadvantage in that they only come in packs of 12 you can't just get one to try.
I haven't tried the Pawz boots, Jac. If they were easy to put on they'd be good for short outside trips. For longer periods Obi's footwear has to be breathable. At the moment he just has the cone and nothing on his foot and we're trying to do that as much as possible. It's definitely on the mend now but still needs protection outside (and protection from chewing/licking!). Obi has found a secondary use for the cone - Lambie transportation.
Obi took his neoprene boot to daycare today for toilet trips and we've just found that it's covered in puppy teeth marks. I'd say not inflicted while it was on his foot but possibly used briefly as a tug toy.... Hehehehe.
How many Lambies can you fit in your cone, Obi? I'm sure the puppies will destroy the boot if you give them another go.....
Obi does not look impressed with being saddled with babysitting duties just because he's injured. They are cute all cuddled up together though.
Looks like the puppies gave him some doggie cuddle therapy....lovely! Glad to hear the foot is looking better. Hopefully this will soon be behind you! The distressed edge of the cone is looking awfully familiar...and bringing back baaaad memories...
Yeah, there are matching distressed edges on my shins! He's been invited back to hang out with the puppies next week too, so he'll go on Tuesday and Thursday. I'm going to make enquiries about the Therapaw boot today. It say on the Australian distributor's website that you need a prescription to buy the boot.... Bit odd. Will give them a call.
"Is it not bad enough I have to wear a boot AND the Cone of Shame? Now they make me suffer the indignity of being a surrogate puppy comforter . No rest for the wicked."
I know, it's cruelty upon cruelty! Things are looking up though. His foot is good enough now for him not to want to gnaw at it every time he gets the cone off. So he is able to have supervised breaks from the cone, with a boot on. His wearing his 'ballet style' boot: The cut out area and cuff allows his carpal pad (the knobby one they don't walk on) to be free and allows his ankle to move and generally reduces the bulk of the boot. It stays on pretty well. Look, no cone! He can't wear the neoprene boot all day though as it doesn't breathe enough and it is important that his foot doesn't get sweaty. I've also ordered some suede and deerskin leather offcuts so I can have a go at making a thinner, more breathable boot that he can wear for longer. Will let you know how that goes!