Off lead on a road???

Discussion in 'Labrador Chat' started by bbrown, Dec 10, 2013.

  1. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Re: Off lead on a road???

    Alice I don't think you can be too cautious.
    Being complacent is a risk too far.

    And if an extending lead is used it MUST be a tape variety rather than cord - thats a really important point to make Barbara. Fa less likely to injure dog, owner or passersby if there is an unexpected incieent.
  2. bbrown

    bbrown Moderator Forum Supporter

    Jun 13, 2011
    Re: Off lead on a road???

    Yes we have a tape lead. In ignorance I bought a cord one but after hearing some horror stories I threw it away!! If i ever post about using a flexi I always specify it's a tape one :)
  3. lois

    lois Registered Users

    Mar 24, 2013
    Re: Off lead on a road???

    I would never trust Poppy without a lead near any Rd neither does my husband now after she took off the other week, but she did give me a scare today I work on farm site in a warehouse Poppy comes to work every day and this week I have trusted her off the lead so when we get to work I let her out the car and she runs straight in the field runs around for 20 mins and then comes back to me when called brilliant, but oh no not today let her out and for some reason she took off in the other direction straight into the path of a car coming onto the farm she thought it was her little friend arriving at work and chased the car and managed to get in front of it luckily the lady managed to stop, no amount of calling made her come back another lesson learnt I think!! Will wait now before letting her loose..
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Re: Off lead on a road???

    Poppy truly wants to finish me off reading about her exploits Lois! X

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