Ella will be fine, you are still able to play with her, train with her and give her lots of fussing. If it's going to be hot she may actually find the tiled floor easier to rest and keep cool on. My main concern would be not cross contaminating Ella and her little human brother
Poor Ella, I wonder how she caught it? It's a pain but hopefully 4 weeks will pass quickly once you get into a routine. My Dad had it on his scalp as a youngster and he never forgot it. x
At least you have a diagnosis. What a relief! And great that your vet went to the trouble of finding a proper diagnosis rather than throwing various treatments at an unknown to see what might work. Snowie's girlfriend, a staffie, had ringworm just a few months ago -- on her side, about 1/4 of her side was devoid of hair. And she was being walked in a PUBLIC area! Now that you say how contagious it is, it is a wonder Snowie didn't catch it. The owner did shout to us across the grass, Don't let Snowie come near! I put him on a leash but we did walk close by. Stella had caught it from her doggie friend's bed, and that doggie friend had apparently caught it on the beach from another infected dog. She said it was hellishly expensive to treat. I had ringworm as a child but I have no recollection of it being itchy or painful or having to be isolated! I just remember it being in the shape of a worm on my skin. Best of luck doing everything you need to do -- it does sound like a lot of work!!
Oh poor Ella and poor you. What with looking after your little baby and Ella you now have to clean your whole house On the plus side, you have a diagnosis and can get the right treatment. I do hope it clears up quickly for all your sakes. I had ringworm as a child, no idea how I caught it, we were living in Perth (Australia) at the time. All I can remember is the strange marks on my arm, wether it itched or not I can't remember.
Obi got ringworm at daycare a couple of years ago. All we did was wash his bedding, and his collar. We didn't do any cleaning that was more diligent than we normally would. No washing of furniture or other malarkey. We used a cream from the pharmacist on the ringworm, also Malaseb washes a couple of times a week. While it took quite a long time for the fur to grow back the ringworm cleared up with no problems and we certainly didn't catch it. Of course we also kept him away from other dogs for a few weeks. Ringworm is something that dogs get when their immune system isn't fully developed yet, as in young dogs, or is suppressed. Same with mites, which is why the vet said that the steroids may exacerbate it if it was mites. Steroids suppress the action of the immune system to some degree, opening an opportunity for mites.
Phew, that's making me feel better. I'll ask the pharmacist about using a cream with the medication when I go to pick it up later today. I did wonder about how contagious it is considering she's had the bad eye for weeks and I've touched it a lot of times when I've been checking it. I forgot to ask the vet whether we stop the steroids or finish the course so I'll probably have to give them a call later too.
didn't the vet UV her when you first went? Its good its not allergies though. It is a pain but its treatable fingers crossed hope everything is better soon. xx
She seems her usual bouncy self thanks No, unfortunately they didn't as it wasn't even something they considered. They felt it presented as mites but decided to take some hairs for a fungal infection cultural to cover all bases. They'll do a UV check when we go back in four weeks. Btw.. The medication is itraconazole 100mg.. Whatever that is *begins google search*
I was despairing for you a bit until I read Rachael's experience with Obi. I hope you are able to get it sorted with relative lack of fuss, and especially that your baby doesn't get it! Great to hear it's not allergies, though, that is a relief!
Gosh what a palava! Hope the eye is now clearing up. How long does Ella need to be isolated for considering she has probably had this for a while now?