My last two dogs , a Lab and a Terrier, were both shockers for rolling in fox or badger poo and , this being rural Cornwall, both abound in plenty, rarely a day went by without one or both of them having to be hosed down : : Teach me to be smugly thinking how lucky I am that Sam and Millie haven't ever done this, until this morning Yep , Millie was the culprit , smothered herself in it , I didn't see her do it but when I called her up for her lead on, the evidence was clear , especially as I attached her lead to her collar and got it all over my hands : I didn't have a towel in the car ( lesson learned ) so I couldn't get her into the river to wash her off , its too cold for an elderly " lady " to be wet and chilly and so she was bunged into the car , stinking to high heaven . Being very long haired , the damn stuff was the devils own to wash off her in the shower whilst she , thinking this was a wonderful game , began prancing around in the shower base , rolling onto her back and generally showing off , I shall be watching you a little more closely in future Miss Millie and no showing Sam how good it is either
Re: Oh no, not you Millie ! Oh good! All is right with the world at last. Millie blots copy book! ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D (we must get a Bwaa! Ha! Ha! Ha! smiley) How's the car - it must stink too?
Re: Oh no, not you Millie ! She has turned into the devil incarnate today , quite funny really , as long as the naughtiness doesn't go on too long
Re: Oh no, not you Millie ! Ah Millie, sounds like you really enjoyed that roll! This is where mum is glad you are a daddy's girl in the evening.