One step forward , 2 back!

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rolokris, Oct 19, 2014.

  1. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    We have been doing so well, I take Rolo out last thing before bed, last night that was around 23.00. He ate his last meal at 18.00 he had a poop at 23.00. I haven't been setting my alarm because when Rolo starts to whimper I get up and take him out. This has worked fine for a short while now. Heard Rolo at 4am so went down and he's pooped in his crate! I don't understand where I am going wrong. I hear so many times that dogs hate to poop where they sleep, but this happens every so often. We go great for about a week and then we hit something like this and then I feel we are back to square one again. Help!
  2. Loopyloo30

    Loopyloo30 Registered Users

    Feb 24, 2014
    Re: One step forward , 2 back!

    Aw that sucks :( Can I ask, was it a loose poop? Only I was told that they struggle to hold loose ones in as easily as firm ones. Bob had a bad tummy this week and went a couple of times in his crate, but I"m putting that down to him not being 100% (hopefully!)

    Lou x

    *As I was typing this Bob pooed in the corner of our kitchen, he gave me no visual clues at all... they can be little monkeys sometimes eh?!*
  3. Rolokris

    Rolokris Registered Users

    Oct 14, 2014
    Re: One step forward , 2 back!

    Well Rolo's poop is never "firm" always a bit on the softer side. We only feed eunakuba, which is what the breeder fed him. His treats are his kibble and the only new things I have given him is Kong treats but they have been for a week or so now. Spoke to the vet and she told me it was normal, he is certainly not showing any other signs of being poorly. I blame myself I need to set my alarm for 3am and take him out.

    Total monkeys! Rolo doesn't tend to poop indoors (other than the crate obviously) but he does tend to piddle. He will whimper and look up at the door for a poop but for a piddle he doesn't make a sound. I keep telling him once that stops he can come in the rest of the house but he doesn't listen lol ;D ;D

    Has Bob's tummy settled now?
  4. Boogie

    Boogie Supporting Member Forum Supporter

    Mar 29, 2014
    Re: One step forward , 2 back!

    The loose poops are the problem - you try keeping one in! ;) :)

    I need shares in this stuff I recommend it so often!

    If their poos are loose I put a scoop in each meal, if they are fine I put a pinch in each meal to keep them fine.

    Also - you may be giving a little too much in each meal, this gives loose poos too.

    Once his poos are nice and firm you can start to teach him when and where to do them :)

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