@Joy - hi Joy, Maisie's tail is looking good as far as I can tell! It has a nice scab on it which is starting to lift at the edges (a bit like a child's scabby knee!), so hoping there is new skin underneath. There's still a bit of swelling, but no redness or oozy bits. Back to the vets Tuesday evening.
Hi Debs, Just catching up on news after being away a while,really glad Maisie is recovering well and your vet sounds wonderful ....bless her with her shaved tail....it will take a while to grown back and then it will be magnificent again xxx
@Dexter , Hi Angela, we've set a new trend at the local park!! Nearly four weeks of on lead walks is proving somewhat tedious, so hoping for good news on Tuesday! Hope you had a fabulous holiday! x
Just back from the vets and I'm one very happy puppy owner!!! The vet is very pleased with the lovely scab and shiny new pink skin we have and has given us the go ahead to get back to off lead exercise and no more cone of shame, hurrah! We now need to get the scab to lift off and allow the skin to pull together completely, which means trying to soak it if she will let me or a trip to the beach for a dip in the sea! If the scab is still there at the end of the month and not looking like it wants to come off then Maisie will have to have it removed under sedation. The vet said she was relieved as she initially thought we would have trouble and end up with amputation, but as we have been good puppy and owner it looks like "the tail" has survived
@Debs just catching up, really happy for you that Maisie is doing so well. Such a relief. Loved your holiday photos, looked like you had a brilliant time.