Our pup has been born! (Puppy pictures ;))

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by LucyinCornwall, Jun 13, 2015.

  1. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Oh wow!
    wow wow wow!
    Congratulations......they are gorgeous :) :)
  2. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thank you!!! :D:D:D
  3. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    So cute and scrumptious. Good luck as you wait through these next 8 weeks. It will fly by for sure! Good for you in getting so prepared, so many people have no clue what they're getting into.
  4. Dexter

    Dexter Moderator Forum Supporter

    Apr 10, 2013
    Oh bet you can't wait to go and see them....hope the time passes by quickly and let us see any more photos you get sent,it will be great to see them growing x
  5. Cupcase

    Cupcase Registered Users

    Jul 19, 2014
    Archie: True and bold.

    Charlie: Meaning Man

    I always wanted a dog that looked ( I probably fell for the well trained part, not realising I would have to do the training) like a guide dog. Yellow or black, but yellow being my favourite.

    Those puppies are the most beautiful, cutest and my favourite , favourite colour.

    Make sure you have lots of digital storage, you're going to need it. As thanks to the digital age you will be taking lots of photos.
  6. pippa@labforumHQ

    pippa@labforumHQ Administrator

    May 10, 2011
    Congratulations How exciting for you, what lovely photos. It will great to watch them grow! :)
  7. JulieT

    JulieT Registered Users

    Jun 15, 2013
    That's lovely. :) Mum has the sweetest expression.
  8. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    That made me choke on my tea! I thought we were prepared until our pup was physically home with us .....:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
  9. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014
    Lisa thank you!!! A lot of people don't realise how much you should look into and research... I thought I had some clue until I read the book and came here hehe!! and yes I will never be fully prepared, and will be on here a lot asking questions I'm sure ;)

    Dexter Definitely!!! I haven't got words to be honest..... Eeeeeeek!!! :D I will definitely be sharing lots of photos, I love taking photos and I love seeing everyone's pups grow... still can't believe how fast they grow!

    Cupcase ahh thank you, I forgot to look up the meanings haha! I do have a soft spot for a yellow lab, I just love the beautiful colours they can be... I love seeing everyone's labs of all colours on here :)
    Oh yes definitely!! I will need all the digital storage I can get!!! I am so thankful I will always have a camera with me on my phone... although I still want another camera too one day!

    Pippa Thanks you so much! Thank you for your books and this forum!

    Julie T She does doesn't she? :eek:

    Maccie D :D Hahaha! I can't imagine what it will be like, but I'm making sure I am reading all the posts on here about crocopup challenges/adventures and everything else that comes along with a puppy hahaha!
  10. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Oh and don't forget the tiredness of living with a young pup - that's you, not the pup :rolleyes:, but most of all prepare to have your heart stolen by that cuddly bundle of fun :D
  11. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Hahaha oh my I can imagine how tiring it can be! I'm a little used to it with having a nearly 4 year old son, but I'm sure it will bring another tiredness level I never knew I could have ;)
    Thank you!!!!! :eek: Eeeeeek!!!
  12. Kirriegirl

    Kirriegirl Registered Users

    Mar 28, 2014
    They are the cutest looking bundles of cuteness! What an exciting time for you - right now 8 weeks feels like an age, but it will soon fly.
    Look forward to many more pics and updates.
  13. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    :D:eek: Thank you!!!
  14. Pilatelover

    Pilatelover Registered Users

    Jan 20, 2015
    Gorgeous gorgeous puppies, I waited a whole year for Mabel. Like you I read the puppy handbook twice and total recall once. Without a doubt puppies are extremely hard work but worth every second. Mabel is 7 months at the end of this month don't get we wrong there is plenty of room for improvement but she has come such a long way, actually so have I enjoy every second. Xx
  15. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thank you!!!!
    Aww love your pup's name (it's the name of our old caravan!)
    Thank you for telling me about what it's like for you, and now 7 months on!
    Sounds wonderful for both of you!!
    X x
  16. CatThief

    CatThief Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2015
    Oh how absolutely adorable! Mom is so beautiful. No doubt your pup will grow up to be gorgeous!

    My own anticipation began on March 18th and I finally got her on May 14th. It seemed like forever, so I know how you feel.

    Sending my very best for a wonderful future together
  17. LucyinCornwall

    LucyinCornwall Registered Users

    Nov 25, 2014

    Thank you so much!!! :D

    That's amazing!!! Your girl is a beauty from your profile picture!!!!

    Thank you!!
  18. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    Oh how very, very exciting! They are beautiful! And what a lovely looking Mom!! I remember when my little girl. Maui, was born .... Easter Sunday! I knew that the mom, BB, was due anytime, and just happened to send an email that morning saying Happy Easter and the response was .... 'BB is n labor'! She had 11 beautiful, healthy pups and they all survived! We had lost our beautiful almost 13 year old girl Maggie a few months prior, and even tho it was too soon, I began the search, because these things take time! I looked for the 'small, family, hobby Breeder' because that is where our Maggie came from. I found what I was looking for when I read the Breeder's blog and found out that she had to put down one of her dogs just the day before we lost our Maggie. In reading her blog about the love and loss, the bond was made right there. We began communicating on the phone and online and I was sure! Convincing my husband was another matter ... as I said, it was sooner than we thought we'd get another dog, but he came around. This breeder would send us pictures and it's so fun to watch the little fur babies grow! She had puppy visits like you talk about after 5 weeks too. That will be so much fun and so exciting for you! We never went to the visits because we lived so far away. When she was 8 weeks old we drove to Indiana from Georgia to pick up our sweet little Maui and spent the night about 1/2 way on our way home at a Pet Friendly Hotel. We've had her now for 3 weeks and it's been quite a ride! Everything everyone says here is true ... you will be tired, but it will be worth it! Maui is doing well with housebreaking, just about there and getting used to her crate, as well as swimming in our pool, and we've also been fortunate to have had the opportunity to have her get a lot of socialization with all the other dogs in our family .... 2 Chocolate Labs, a Weimarana and a Bassett, plus our granddaughters, 6 and 8 and my one year old grandson. All of that can prove to be quite challenging! It's been quite crazy around here to say the least ... between all the company, training, playing and chasing her around, sleepless nights, etc. .... but all wonderful fun! However, you said you have a 4 year old, so really what I find is it's much the same thing .... puppies are just babies with 4 legs and fur! :) Maui is good at night now too ... still gets me up a little earlier than I'd like, but goes thru the night and that's something! You certainly sound well read and prepared! This site is a wealth of information, I'm glad you found it. I can feel your excitement and anticipation!! Enjoy! Please continue to post more pictures as you get them. There is nothing like watching those little fur angels as they grow .... love it! Here's a picture of our Maui last week when the 2 Chocolate Labs and my 2 granddaughter's were here.
  19. Jo Thorpe

    Jo Thorpe Registered Users

    Apr 25, 2015
    ahhhh how lovely, we saw our yellow girl Frankie at 10 days old and we've had her just over 4 weeks now she's already 12 weeks time goes so quickly.....I do agree that it's a whirl wind for a few days just like bringIng a new baby home, I think we've been lucky as Frankie has taken to her crate beautifully, loves the children & will do almost anything for a piece of cheese lol She is not overly happy on her lead unless she's trotting after the children however off lead she's doing really well. Enjoy the excitement of watching him grow and the build up to collecting him & be prepared for endless people wanting to fuss him when you out socialising him as the 'Andrex puppy' quote will be ringing in your ears within a couple of days.....enjoy your beautiful boy and many happy years to you all
  20. mmomom

    mmomom Registered Users

    Jun 16, 2015
    She's beautiful in your avatar Jo .... and just a little older than our Maui! It's great, isn't it!

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