6 months. Any ideas about what to do would be helpful. It’s a short summer season here in MN and my little backyard is, for some reason, an excellent place to have adult beverages. I love to have people over, but...can you see where I’m going with this? First there is the jumping. I’ve tried greeting on a lead, on the gentle leader, on the street, etc. We continue to work on this. She used to jump around a bit and then mostly stop. Now, mostly not. Then there is the backyard itself and the hyperactivity. She used to chill out and I’d put her leash under my chair restricting her movement. Now she’s just moving constantly regardless. I tried a stake in the ground. She learned to dig. I’ve tried the crate with a most excellent bone. Starts barking incessantly from inside once done with said bone. I leave her in there, but when I do go inside for other things she is otherwise calmly just laying in the crate. Therefore the barking is a case of dramatics. I have a larger group coming in a few days. The only thing I haven’t tried is the upstairs crate with the jazz music turned up in hopes that she won’t hear us. She only sleeps in that crate so it may make her suspect. Help.
The only thing I can suggest is rewarding for calm behaviour. We had Zig (4 months) on his first pub visit last week and fed him his dinner whilst he was settled on a mat. It does have a limited lifespan at that age though as their patience only lasts so long. Also, once you are out of ammo then it’s time to go home. Can you have a walker take her for an hour or so?