:'( This morning I took Maisy for her walk and I am trying to train her for the field as well. All started well quartering throwing a tennis ball in a field for retrieving . I used some chopped up sausages for treats , all going well then she tried to grab the treat bag and started jumping , growling and nipping ! I put her on the lead but she was completely out of control so excited .I stood still for a while but she still carried on so I gave her a little shake (not a violent shake) and eventually she calmed down and when we got home put her in her cage for 5 minutes . She is now very quiet and calm but I feel dreadful, have I got an aggressive dog ? We had a springer with aggression and we had to have her put down as she bit my father very badly about five years ago. I guess I am terrified Maisy will turn out the same , do you think the wind didn't help it's been dreadful here. My husband who normally trains her is away for a week and I am sure she misses him! Normally she is a loving gentle dog but this has scared me . Any help would be great fully received thank you .
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! I doubt she's aggressive - just exactly what your post title says....an over excited 9 month spaniel You might need to do exciting stuff in smaller chunks with breaks in between to allow her to calm down. When she's hunting her excitement levels will be rising, maybe intersperse with some heel work or just some on lead calm walking. Also possibly reduce the value of the treats. Once she's fully revved up its hard to deal with so focus on not letting her get like that, you'll get to know when the excitement is building. Don't worry
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! Funny you should ask this. Molly, who is coming up for 8 months old was a joy to walk yesterday morning, last night and this morning she was a pulling, ignoring me nightmare. I wondered if she was being wound up by the wind. Molly has the sort of attack of the sillies as you describe. All I can do is hang on for dear life until she runs out of steam, which isn't long. I am training her to be calm by stroking her when she is quiet and using the term "chill pill". I tell Molly to take a "chill pill" when she has her attack of the sillies. It is frightening, nobody likes a dog prancing around them flashing their nashers. I don't think it is aggression because she never makes contact with me.
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! Yes - adrenalin rush due to over excitement, don't worry it's not aggression. Tatze went though this stage, I had to turn and get her in a sit quick sharp or my coat was ripped. Remember - the calmer you are the calmer she will be.
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! Hi Thea and welcome to the forum Definitely not aggression, just excitement, as everyone has said If she does it again and is calm when you get home then there is not really any value in putting her in the crate. Instead, praise her for being nice and calm. I know it's really unsettling when they go a bit bonkers but just remember that she is only really excited and happy (just showing it in a doggy way). She is just having a little personal doggy party..... Try to avoid grabbing or shaking her. Your best approach is as the others have already described (noticing early when the excitement is building and doing a slow, calm thing instead....and rewarding calm behaviour every chance you can). Take heart - she sounds like a lovely dog
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! my lab has what i call a mad 5mins when she gallops around flat out running and she has this funny way of running then with her back legs sticking out sideways does anyone eles do this it looks very funny your spaniel sounds as if she is not being agressive just a stage to get through
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! Thanks for all your advice much appreciated sure things will get better. Her walk later went really well and her recall brilliant. Must be the teenager in her !
Re: Over excited 9 month old cocker ! Sussex, that running style is known as "bum tucking" I have only seen it in Labs