After a traumatic vet visit at 4 months old back in October we have been doing regular Nurse clinics at our vets for socialisation purposes. She is currently 7 months. When we go she gets very excited and hyped up. She’s always eager to go in and never refuses or puts the brakes on. I have been working on rewarding calm behaviour when sat waiting. However when the nurse appears everything goes out the window! She will whine, jump around and jump up and just get far too excited and pay no attention to me. We try to ignore her and wait for her to settle which will work after 5 mins but if the nurse tries to approach again or reward her with a treat she will get excited and bounce around again. We have been doing these clinics for a few months now, slight progress has been made when she does settle, she can still be suspicious of what they may do. But she will eventually allow them to check her over and handle her and listen to her heart with the stethoscope. Is it a nervous excitement? Is the fact she knows she’s going to get special treats hyping her up more? Looking for any advice on how to combat the overexcitement? I am also going to speak to my dog trainer too as she can get a bit overexcited at training class and with new people (and yet to master the no jumping - she doesn’t jump up at us only new people or people she doesn’t see often).