hi, We recently got a 2nd dog. Our older dog Luna is nearly 2 and our puppy, Ripley is 11 weeks. They get on like a house on fire but they love to play! They are always chasing each other and love to wrestle / play fight. It’s very gentle and no one gets hurt. However I’m scared we might be over exercising the puppy. Should I limit play time to 10 minutes a day? I don’t won’t to interfere with their bond but worried we could be damaging the pups hips and elbows. Thanks
I don’t tend to limit play as the pup can stop when he wants. I do stick to this advice for other exercise ‘tho - https://www.thelabradorsite.com/labrador-puppy-exercise-how-much-is-too-much/ That doesn’t mean I never limit play. When I had Mollie and Keir I divided the room or they would have driven me nuts lol! The older dogs needed a break from the pup too. There’s a photo of them here - https://thelabradorforum.com/threads/keir-guide-dog-puppy.20543/page-4
Thanks for the link. I think I’ll separate some of the time. Yours look very cute and I like the divide idea where they can still each other. Thanks x