Parvo question

Discussion in 'Labrador Health' started by Natzacem3, Mar 5, 2016.

  1. Natzacem3

    Natzacem3 Registered Users

    Mar 5, 2016
    I recently lost a puppy to parvo in September from a breeder, the puppy never came to my house. But the same breeder is having puppies again and I was wondering if it would be safe to get another puppy from her, it's been 6 months
  2. Snowshoe

    Snowshoe Registered Users

    Sep 5, 2015
    Ontario, Canada
    You mean the puppy died at the breeders? That's not necessarily the breeder's fault in any way but what has she/he done to eliminate traces of parvo in the kennel, grounds, house etc.?

    By the most horrible of coincidences when my 6 month old puppy got parvo she had been boarding at a place that was also a Lab breeder. Worse, the owner had a bitch whelping. Worse again my puppy's breeder was there to help. When I got the diagnosis I called the boarding place. Both women spent a fortune on bleach, probably destroyed the local water table with the amounts they used to disinfect their kennels. NO other dogs got parvo. We don't know where my puppy got it from.

    You ask a tough question. My answer is, there is no way to tell and the safest bet is probably to purchase somewhere else. But I bet your deposit is being credited to a puppy at this same breeder? None of us is made of money, a deposit can be significant. If you get a puppy there I'd be making sure the health guarantee covered any chance of parvo. I think usually parvo would not be covered as there no way to tell where it came from but for you, if it was me, I think there is reason to ask to have it included. Even though I think if another puppy got it, it would be soon. Boy, tough one.

    Sorry such a serious and sad question is what brings you here, but welcome.
  3. MaccieD

    MaccieD Guest

    Hi and welcome even it is due to a sad event. You really need to ask the breeder what actions they have taken to try and eliminate the risk of parvo for future puppies. Parvo can survive in the ground for up to 10 hears but can be destroyed by a bleach solution of 1:10. Does the breeder allow he puppies outside onto grass as they get bigger? If so what action have they taken to eliminate the risk of parvo. Have they thoroughly disinfected the area used for whelping together with all equipment.

    I can't advise on whether you should or shouldn't get a pup from this breeder but you could discuss the situation with your vet for their opinion, but ultimately if you're not happy to proceed you may have to find another breeder.
  4. Lisa

    Lisa Registered Users

    Jun 6, 2013
    Alberta, Canada
    Oh dear, this is a dilemma for sure. As the others have said it will really depend on what the breeders have done to disinfect, but even then there is no guarantee. I would be having long talks with them about all that - I'm sure they will be the first to understand your concerns. Did any of your pup's litter mates contract the disease as well?
  5. charlie

    charlie Registered Users

    Sep 29, 2012
    Hampshire, UK
    So sorry you lost your puppy that's awful :( Personally I wouldn't buy another puppy from that breeder just in case they hadn't taken the correct measures to disinfect. You might be better off finding another breeder. Helen x

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