Peeing inside

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Orri Sigurjonsson, Oct 16, 2017.

  1. Orri Sigurjonsson

    Orri Sigurjonsson Registered Users

    Mar 23, 2017

    I have almost an eight month old puppy and we got a bit of a problem.

    For the last month or so I can't leave him alone at home without him peeing inside. It doesn't matter if he is in his crate or if he has the kitchen floor to run about, if he is left alone for a bit of time he has usually peed all over the place which is very frustrating. This was never a problem before and he clould happily be left alone up to 4 hours without anything happening but now for the last month or so this has become a problem. He doesn't care if he is lying on his bed, in the crate or lying on the floor, he just pees where he is.

    When I'm home he can easily go 5-6 hours without having a pee but sometimea he's left alone for an hour or two and has peed inside when I come home.

    I went to the vet to get him checked out for bladder infection and that was not the case so I have no idea what to do. The only thing I know is that I don't want to clean up pee from the floor/crate and give my pup a bath everytime I come home.

    Does anyone here know how I can fix this problem?

    Thanks in advance!
  2. drjs@5

    drjs@5 Registered Users

    Jun 2, 2012
    Fife, Scotland
    Hi Orri,
    My first thought was a urine infection, so its good you have gone to the vet to get this excluded.

    If this has happened fairly suddenly, and only when you are out the house, I wonder if something has happened when he has been on his own that has made him anxious - it doesn't have to be anything really bad, but could even be someone ringing your doorbell, knocking on your window, a repeatedly ringing phone, an aeroplane going over the house, thunder...... the list goes on.
    Is there any way you can possibly set up a video to see what he does whilst you are out? It might show if he is behaving in an anxious or agitated way?
    You may have to start back at basics and gradually build up the time you are leaving him again.
    Some people find their dog is more settled with the radio or TV left on.

    That kind of exhausts my suggestions I'm afraid, hope someone else can chip in.

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