Is she a Fox Red? I'm looking to get one for early November! How has the puppy journey been so far? Any info/advice would be much appreciated! Emma
Hi Penny is now 15wks old her father was a fox red and mother a golden. I bought her from a breeder in Ayr. I love her and cant imagine not having her but its not easy ..basically you will be buying a hoover with shark teeth..this forum is great and everything about puppy behaviour is true you wont believe how much worry they are too. Penny has had a few vet visits for tummy troubles and finding the right food is essential. Seems that she doesnt like playing herself and can demand attention ...biting and jumping..chewing hands toes clothes are part of puppy growing up and she has found her voice now ..i suppose depends on the environment. But i can also say that she slept herself from day one..was toilet trained by 8 wks (got her at 6.5 weeks old). Be prepared for some intense times but you will have a dog that will adore you and your life will change for the best
Thank you Jacqueline! This has reassured me! I suppose this is one of those times where the pros definitely outweigh the cons