People's "how to leash train a labrador"

Discussion in 'Labrador Training' started by Leomag, Sep 28, 2020.

  1. Leomag

    Leomag Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2020
    Recently my 6 months old lab who previously didn't pull on the leash much started to on occasion. I got hurt twice (He weighs 29kg!!). So I've decided to rapidly return to leash training and following Pippa's advice from that article. But I can't do it because as soon as we get to the training place, he is focused on me and does a perfect heel walking and doesn't pull. It's like he understands we're in a training environment and switches to training mode.... What adjustments could I make to be able to conduct that training? What do you think Pippa?
  2. lucy@labforumHQ

    lucy@labforumHQ Administrator Forum Supporter

    Oct 14, 2013
    It's great that he's walking nicely to heel in some environments!

    What is it that differs between the place you train and the places he is pulling? Is it the presence of other people, dogs, wildlife?

    Working out what is triggering him to pull, and then gradually, and initially from a distance, adding those distractions in while training will help him to progress. It sounds like you'll probably need to find a few new areas to proof his heelwork in now if his usual spot is going so well :)
  3. Leomag

    Leomag Registered Users

    Sep 8, 2020
    Yes I think the close presence of distractions that triggers the pulling, which is great news because it means he's already got some understanding but I was under the impression/willingness to start from the very start which normally is done is a distraction free environment before you can add some distractions. Come to think of it, it sounds like we're just in a situation where his training on pulling is already a little advanced and it does not make sense to start from scratch...thanks for the feedback!!!

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