Is amazing, such a bright little girl, was an angel on the way home and slept really well on her first night. Today has been a day of discovery for us both. When I can figure it out will post a piccie. Happy Mummy x
Ah, good news. Neither of my dogs had any trouble at night as puppies. Obviously lots of puppies do as it's an awful wrench away from everything they have known moving away from Mum, but both Betsy and Charlie couldn't seem to give a fig about that. They were both good as gold at night from the get go. Never a peep out of them.
I had the name Phoebe picked out if we'd gotten a girl! Glad she's being good for you. Can't wait to see pics!!
Aww....welcome Phoebe. Good girl, hoping it continues for you. Puppy picture instructions are in Technical & help section *hint hint*
Hi and welcome home Phoebe (my youngest niece's name btw and one I love). Bailey howled the whole way home in the car (about an hours drive) but as soon as we walked into home he settled really well and has always slept well - I really hope that is the same for you too. Can't wait to see the puppy pics
I had the message ' you do not have permission to view within this category' when trying to see the photo Strange - any help please @snowbunny ?