Pinning my leg down when he has a toy ??

Discussion in 'Labrador Puppies' started by Rdbrya1, Dec 24, 2017.

  1. Rdbrya1

    Rdbrya1 Registered Users

    Nov 11, 2017
    I am not sure how else to describe this, but I'm hoping others have experienced this behavior as play/toy time is no longer fun over here. It just started last week so about 13 weeks. I cannot even give my pup a toy anymore without being fearful of being bit. He used to lay near me and chew his toys, but now he gets the toy and lunges at my legs with it and wraps both paws around one of my legs ...I'm guessing this is just a game but it's only fun for one of us. He starts going crazy biting the toy which is ok but also ends up biting my legs, feet, or hands as I'm pulling him away constantly for fear of getting bit or knocked down. I assume he just wants to play but I just can't do it. The second he gets a toy it's very hard lunging, biting, and grabbing my legs with the toy. The other day he bit my ankle so hard (by accident, he had a toy in his mouth too) I was in tears. Should I try to stop this or will he outgrow it?
  2. Naya

    Naya Registered Users

    Sep 14, 2013
    Bristol, UK
    Hi. As soon as he starts doing this you need to stop play or he won't understand. You need to walk away from him and leave the room if needs be for a few seconds. You do need to be consistent with this or it won't work. If you are using your hands to push him away he will just think you are still playing. They won't grow out of these behaviours as he wont understand that it hurts. That's how they play with their litter mates and other dogs, but need to learn how to interact with us humans and its your role to teach him.
  3. T Reischl

    T Reischl Registered Users

    Jan 2, 2017
    Leland, NC USA
    Well, you are going to need to do something, but I am having a hard time picturing what is going going on. Do you think he is trying to get you to play? Did you ever kick his toys around as a method of playing? The reason I ask is that Murphy will forcefully drop his toys in my lap and then give them a good shove with his nose letting me know I need to play.

    Edit: Naya posted before I did. I agree, you need to end the engagement.
  4. Joy

    Joy Registered Users

    Mar 22, 2014
    I think your dog is trying to get you to play with him and I think you need to teach him to play without hurting you. I’d suggest that you instigate a game of tug yourself. Get a long plaited rope (at least 2feet long) or get a length of thick cord, or bungy cord, and tie a soft toy or a sock to one end - this will keep your hands further from your puppy’s mouth. Wriggle the rope and let your puppy pounce. Have a 20 second tug and then swap for a treat. (If he is rough with taking treats have a look at Susan Garrett .) Then start the tug game again. If you say a word as you give the treat, soon you won’t need a treat at all because your pup will know it’s a signal the game is going to restart.

    Puppies don’t spend much time just lying and chewing their toys -at least not if their human is there to play. So don’t wait to be attacked - plan a play session.
    Have a look at Absolute Dogs too.
  5. Rdbrya1

    Rdbrya1 Registered Users

    Nov 11, 2017
    Thanks everyone!! I'll be implementing these tips today!!
  6. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
  7. snowbunny

    snowbunny Registered Users

    Aug 27, 2014
    Andorra and Spain
    Oops, wrong thread, sorry! It's been a long day! :D

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