This is all that is left of the piece of vet bed we lined his crate with! not sure whether to be proud or annoyed : Plan B.. Got a piece of wood and covered it with another bit of vet bed (luckily we bought a roll of it) screwed it down from underneath so hopefully he cannot get an edge Looks great in his crate so wish me luck that plan b works lol ;D Even when we were making this Nevis was stealing all the off cuts :
Re: Plan B Oh you little monkey Nevis , hoping the wood does the job , I shall be watching this space
Re: Plan B Puzzle and barley say well done nevis We have given up on beds for the pair of them, barley's gets dragged outdoors, scrabbled, shredded, chewed and de stuffed. Puzzle's well she loves to chew her bed into tiny little pieces, we only realised this when we found bits of undigested bed in her poo : ???
Re: Plan B Oh I laughed at picture 3..... I thought that was the remains of picture 2 before I read it properly ! X
Re: Plan B Heehee what a rascal!! Made me laugh when the kennels I worked in decided to do away with blankets and bought a load of vet bed for the dogs as they were told it couldn't be chewed up and would be ideal for the dogs that rip their bedding - oh how wrong they were!! ;D Although I have to say vet bed is perfect for Penny. She will chew up a padded bed or a regular blanket but vet bed and fleece seem to be fine. Though she does like to rearrange her crate - I have to make her bed everyday and when I come home from work is crumpled up in a corner and she's lying on the metal tray of the crate no idea what that's about!
Re: Plan B His face in the first picture is, well, a picture It's like he saying "what, what's wrong. I ain't done nothing"
Re: Plan B Night one in the Big Nevis Crate....... has survived... so far! I did put an off cut in with him like a blankie so if he was going to chew anything it would be that and not the base. He chewed a few bits of the off cut and the base wasn't touched Yay!! ;D He has never eaten any of the bits he chews which is good. I'm hoping by the time he gets through the off cut he'll be used to the base and not chew it. That's my plan anyway : as i don't have a Plan C yet lol We now only have him in his crate at night as we have been leaving him in a de-Nevis'd kitchen and he's been great ( table and chairs have metal legs ;D ) Usually when we get back he's dozing. I think i should look for a job as a quality control inspector for him
Re: Plan B Great news. Giving him an off cut was a great idea. Have you kept some for when he has demolished that one?