So I've recently had some family members here for a couple days visit. Consisting of one sister, who last year spent one day at my place and whenever Simba came near said, "Go away, I hate you!" (he had given her a rather enthusiastic two paws on chest greeting and she really isn't a dog fan), my brother, who had been unmercifully humped by Simba the first time HE came to visit a couple weeks after we got the pooch, and my oldest sister, who had never met Simba before but is basically a cat person. Needless to say I was a bit stressed about how the pooch might react and how all this would go. He still gets a bit silly when people are over, so I got rid of the book basket in the living room that he always wants to go grab things out of when people are here (never at any other time), bought 3 toys, one Goodie Bone, and two chews, plus filled my Kong and froze it, all to shove at him if he looked with an amorous eye at my bro, and took him on a long hike the day they arrived (see My Walk for photos) in order to tire him out. Well, he was as good as gold. So much so they can't stop talking about Simba and how much they LOVE him and how much he has changed, etc etc. Mission accomplished.
Ah, t hat is fantastic! Well done Simba - and well done Lisa, what a difference a year makes!! Good job!
Thanks all. He really is coming along quite well. Not all due to me....the fact that he is a year older and now 3 years old is a big factor, I think!