I did some training with my two yesterday in a different area. I found a nice little field to use, but it was full of different smells, so before our sessions, I let them have a sniff around first so they weren't distracted. First, Willow. There were a couple of patches in the grass where the wild boar had been digging. This area is full of moles and the digging had obviously brought up some good smells. Willow got her snout right in there and then started digging furiously. As the soil flew behind her and noisily landed, she kept spinning round, clearly certain that it was a mole creeping up behind her. Silly moo. Then, Shadow (sorry, poo story!). He was just performing his circle dance, getting ready to squat, when an amazing smell caught his attention, in the bush right next to him. It absolutely, positively had to be peed on. So, he cocked his leg, but instead of weeing, had a poo instead. My dogs are ridiculous.
LOVED mental image of your dogs My one Lab circles and circles before he has a poo, I once counted 17 and then he poos and wees at the same time!