Doing a spot of training on the Edenbridge Showground gundog competition area and Lady seems to have caught a dew claw going over a fence. Lady sat and nibbled at the side of her paw then came over to me and pushed into my legs hard and held her paw out. One dew claw has been snagged - ouch! Don't think it needs the vet but cleaned it up with wipes from her emergency first aid kit and put some antiseptic cream on. It is touching the way she comes looking for help. It's quite unmistakable that something is wrong. Always touches me when she shows that she does think about things and that she obviously thinks I can help. Two things that occurred to me though. Firstly I'm glad I assembled a dog first aid kit, and secondly all the handling I've done with her in the past ie frequent touching and stroking all over has paid off as she'll now let me explore her (in this case) paws for injury and to patch her up without any fuss (other than licking the back of my hand).
Re: Poor Lamb Caught her Dew Claw Ooh poor Lady. Lovely that she shows her trust in you like that though.
Re: Poor Lamb Caught her Dew Claw Oh....poor girl! She is SUCH a good girl though. Hope it heals quickly.
Re: Poor Lamb Caught her Dew Claw Ouch poor Lady, lovely she lets you know somethings up. Hattie does exactly the same, bangs her head on my leg or nudges my hand and stops which tells me something is wrong. Definately handling, rubbing, examining paws, ears, eyes, teeth really helps and Hattie will have absolutely anything done by me or the Vet and it has helped enormously with Charlie so much so that I have ordered some nail clippers and going to trim his nails myself Hope Lady feels better soon xxx
Re: Poor Lamb Caught her Dew Claw Scott did the same thing last week. It broke really near the top and ended up at 90 degrees to his foot. He squealed like a little pig if he caught it then came to me and put his paw in my hand. I kept bathing with salt and water and it came off after a couple of days. Once off he was fine. When I got Murphy my mums cousin who has always had dogs told me to mess with paws, mouth and ears so if anything goes wrong they won't mind having them touched. It was very good advice. I hope Lady will be better soon.
Re: Poor Lamb Caught her Dew Claw Can you clip the snagged part off? My Lab did that to his but in the end he had to go to vet, have an anaesthetic and the dew claw cut off close to the flesh. Hope SBD gets well soon.
Re: Poor Lamb Caught her Dew Claw Ouch! Painful! Hope it heals quickly without any problems, she obviously trusts you completely.