This is how Stanley feels about me right now. Untitled by Jenny mayos, on Flickr
So Stanners has been on a diet for about 7 weeks now. He hasn't been weighed but I think he's about right again. I'm much happier with his shape anyway.. What does everyone think? Top is now, bottom is beginning.. Left is beginning, right is now.. Stanners says it's been a long 7 weeks
He looks a good shape to me, I'm working hard with Cassie too. She looked too thin when I got back from holiday but then suddenly I'm thinking oh heck she's putting on weight again! It's a constant balancing act I find.
We've just done a weigh attempt (that dog is heavy now! ) and he's back down to about 25kg. So he's lost a kilo which was about what I thought it might be. So I'm happy with that. Just have to try and keep him at 25kg now.
I did however tell him that I thought his ideal would be 24.5kg so he's decided he no longer likes the scales..
Stanley has now reached his goal weight of 24.5kg. The vet congratulated us last week on his weight, said he was absolutely perfect and how happy it made her to see a healthy Labrador rather than overweight ones. Now we work on maintaining!
Great work, well done! Someone said on FB the other day that Labs should be between 30 and 35kg. I replied with, it depended on the dog; my two adults are around the 26kg mark and would be well overweight at 30kg. I was told I was ridiculous Good on you and slinky Stanley! I think we need photos of the streamlined boy
That's brilliant and he looks a bit buff I saw him on possing picking up stick clip. I might have to give Rory a bit of a shine up too. I've never had to worry about mister fabulous because of his colitis he always been so underweight, and if he had a flair up he would just get skinnier. Good news is his colitis is so well managed now he has not had a flair up for 10 months bad news is this means balancing his food intake and out going energy levels. Feels a bit weird but I just getting it right at the moment. someone on FB told you were ridiculous? How could they tell? I thought silly was FB