Thought it might be nice to post something positive for a change lol I've had a lovely day with Loki today and really appreciate days like this. He's been so tactile and affectionate. My eldest son and I took him for a ride in the car to the groomers for his complimentary puppy wash. As he only had his jabs on Thursday, he was booked in with 3 other vaccinated dogs and he was great with them. Kept his distance but was very interested from afar. Had his nails trimmed, washed and blow dried and smells good enough to eat. We then sat on a bench outside a cafe. So many people drooling over him lol! He saw busses and heard a lot of angry londoners behind the wheel and just sat and took it all in. A few people came and asked to stroke and I'm learning a lot about their body language to know when he's at ease or not, so left and took him home on a high, before I saw signs it was too much. I'm so happy today and hope there will be more days like today and eventually, less than I've had.
Things do get better as the days go on. In a few months you would of forgotten a lot of the negatives as there will be so many more positives. Glad to hear you have had a good day and got out and about
Tremendous post. Such a positive experience for you, and such great socialisation experiences for Loki. I am so happy for you.
Thanks for sharing @Lex. These types of days will become the most and tough days the least. I think his behaviour today is a great compliment to you and him!
You are absolutely doing the right thing for the dog by taking him out and letting him experience the world. It will pay dividends I'm sure.
Hi Lex I have been following your posts with great interest, as my wife and I are now one week into our own puppy journey - and have already had a good collective cry on the kitchen floor on at least one occasion So I am always really glad to hear of your positive experiences! Somehow we seem to have a situation where little Rory makes a breakthrough right as we are at our lowest ebb... so for instance he took himself voluntarily to his crate to rest for the first time ever just a couple of hours after our meltdown on the kitchen floor. so, as we find things getting tough again, we are trying to always remember that these little breakthroughs and changes in behavior DO happen, and thus far quite out of the blue and unpredictably! Pete
How lovely that you melt down together Pete! My husband is great with the dogs but leaves all the worrying and melting down to me lol .
I thought that too @Boogie It's the same in our household as you, my hubby is all for Loki and seems to be taking it all in his stride (until today as Loki seems to be doing everything and anything that he shouldn't be today lol) and it's left to me to meltdown, panic, worry and cry and constantly be on edge haha @RedRory Saturday was such an amazing day, today, although only 4 hours in, not so much! Saturday gave me hope though and convinced me that there will be more days like that x