Imgur is another option for sharing your photos on the forum. I find it very easy to use. Here is my little "how to" guide to using it. First, you’ll need to go to and set up an account. Once you’ve done that, it’s really simple to upload, you just drag-and-drop the photos onto the Imgur website. When you go to Imgur, it will look something like this: If you drag one or more images onto this screen from your computer files, the screen will change into a big black box that has a big “upload” label on it. Just drop them on there, and then you get a screen that looks like this: All the images you’ve dragged-and-dropped are shown at the bottom - there’s one that I made of of the handsome Cooper. You can also get to this window by clicking the blue “upload images” button at the top of the first screen if you want, and that means you can use the “browse your computer” to find the images instead, if you find drag-and-drop difficult. Once you’ve selected all the pictures that you wish to upload, click on the green “Start Upload” button, which is above your list of pictures, on the right. You’ll see a progress bar like this: Once you've done this, one of a couple of different things will happen. If you have only uploaded one photo, it will show on the screen, and on the right-hand-side, you will see a panel like this Or, if you have uploaded several pictures, it will show them all. This is new and a bit annoying - now, you need to choose your user name at the top, click "Images" and then choose the one image you want to share. You will then see this screen: Here’s where it gets techie. In that panel (if you only uploaded one photo, or on the right-hand side, next to the picture you just opened (if you uploaded more than one), you will see a whole load of bits of code, which are designed for different types of website. Look for the one that says "BBCode (message boards & forums)” and click on the little button just to the left of the gobbledygook. That will copy that little bit of code onto your clipboard. Then, you can go back to the forum and, where you want your photo, just click Ctrl-V (or cmd-V if you’re on a Mac) and it’ll paste that bit of code in place. Like this: Then, you just hit "Post Reply”, and, hey presto … your message appears with a photo in it .