We got him! He's no longer Hunter, he's now Otis, and is a loved member of our family! On day 1, we went 0 for [a lot] and he pee-d and poo-ed almost exclusively indoors, despite us reducing the timing to outside every :15. First day in his new home - we weren't too concerned. On days 2 and 3, there was a lot of improvement with only a few 'accidents'. Sounds good, right. Then day 4 happened (yesterday). It was the first day he had to spend significant time in his crate during the day, but he was still taken out 3 times with his longest time in his crate being 2:20. When everyone got home, it was water-works time. Take him out - no pee, bring him in, he'd pee instantly. 6 times he went inside between 5:00pm and 8:00pm. We've been taking him out for about 5 minutes, and bringing him back in if he doesn't go, setting a timer for :10 and going back out. If he does pee or poo, we set timer for :15. Any indoor pee is wiped up and cleaned with pet spray immediately. Also of note, he doesn't like being alone. At all. Not surprising, but he hates being crated with no one in room. He's always put into his crate w/ treats. Are we doing anything wrong or do we just need to stay the course? This is exhausting! On the good news side, he's a really sweet, and chill puppy, and we're up to 5 hour sleep sessions at night - and he's not even awake when the alarm goes off! Here's the morning we got him:
I dont have anything to advise it sounds like when we brought Henry home and it is exhausting. I think he looks adorable and looks like the fab lab cross we had when the girls were small. He used to queue at the ice cream van with them and get his for free....
That's not regression, that's him just being a puppy and not being able to hold on or know exactly what he should be doing yet. The thing you need most is patience, they don't potty train overnight. It sounds like he had an exciting day on day four, with different and new things happening, that'll make pee. Otis is going to be a striking looking dog with that brindle colouring.
OK, thanks. Maybe I just needed some words of encouragement. I'm working from home w/ Otis today. At lunch, I took him out for 5 - no pee/poo, in for 10, out for 5 - no pee/poo, in for 10... 4 times. One hour of trying. Upon bringing him in after the last round, he instantly pees in the house. Sigh. We'll keep soldiering on. Thanks for the kind words. We think he's a sharp looking, pup, too! Everyone asks us what he is.
Can you stay out with him for longer? Rather than the in-and-out that you're doing, sit outside with a cup of tea and wait for him to go? I'm also wondering how much space he has in the house? It's often suggested that the best thing to do is restrict their area at first to a small space with a bed in it. They'll come to think of this as their den, and won't want to mess it. Once they're "safe" in that area, expand it a little bit, and keep on going, expanding bit by bit as they become safe by considering that area to be "den", too, until they have the run of whatever area you want to give them.
Oh he's beautiful. No suggestions as we've never had a puppy. You will get there soon, he's only a baby at the moment.
Definitely early days yet. It will take weeks to get this right, so no worries, you are doing fine. And yes, it is exhausting, just like with a human baby Make sure you give big praise and a treat for going outside, and just ignore the inside accidents - just wipe up and spray with no fussing about it. Otis will eventually clue in, he's got a lot to learn right now and everything is new and exciting for him! I agree with snowbunny, stay outside with him for a bit, puppies have small bladders and sooner rather than later he will need to pee. Bingo! BIG fuss, praise and treat! Start getting a few of those in a row and you are on your way!
We'll try staying out longer. I guess we were trying to make it a "potty trip" not a "play session", but I suppose it's most important to just make him go pee and poo outside. Yeah, right now, I'd say that's most important to us!! We'll give it a go. As for shrinking the space. We did just that this morning. He's pretty well contained to our kitchen/living area (one open space w/ only tile and hardwood). Thanks all. Wish us luck! @edzbird, looks like you've got a brindled pup as well? Pretty.
What do you and he do when you're out for your 5? I always found walking around my yard, pup following, playing, sniffing, seemed to get things moving. Then I did the mega praise but I don't treat. For me, I didn't really play myself, but pups needed to move around and if they played first that was ok with me.
We put him down where he likes to go (not where we ideally want him to go, but it's a place that we can certainly live with and he seems to like). He sniffs around, then wanders around the yard, I typically have him follow me to other good pee spots, then bring him in if he doesn't go. I'm definitely going to take everyone's advice and start staying out until he goes. I haven't been treating, either. Just lots of praise.
Don't be afraid to treat. Treats are very powerful. It will help to build the association with going outside much faster - "When I pee outside, I get lots of yummy tastes. When I pee inside, I get nothing."
I agree with the treats - just a piece of their kibble works. We did it for every pee and poo outside, praise and a piece of kibble. By 12 weeks we no longer needed to treat just praise and it really worked as far as going outside as inside ones we just ignored, cleaned up, no treat. Sam and Mole (20 weeks)
Jake has today made a huge connection between peeing outside and getting a click and a treat. He managed to squeeze 5 wees out in a 45 min period while I was attempting to tidy up the kitchen and start making tea. As soon as he is weeing, he looks up for the click and comes haring over for a treat. Hopefully this will carry on tomorrow!
Heh, mine are 20 months and they still get a treat for going outside on our walks - they "go" then trot up to me with an expectant look
Day 10. Otis just crawled into his crate on his own and passed out. It was our 1st accident free day!!! He's been sleeping for 9 hours - that's a big puppy bladder! But from 5p - 8p we have to take him out every 10 minutes and he wees every time. Exhausting, but rewarding. Thank you all for you kind words and suggestions. Now I'm going to go pass out myself. Another question: Anyone use a bell or something (on the door) and train your pup to tell you when he needs to go?